人教版(2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 4 Adversity and Course 课件(5份打包)

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人教版(2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 4 Adversity and Course 课件(5份打包)

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(共129张PPT)UNIT 4 ADVERSITY AND COURAGESection Ⅰ Reading and ThinkingⅠ. 课文翻译教材原文 教材译文A SUCCESSFUL FAILURE Perce Blackborow joined an expedition with Sir Ernest Shackleton to Antarctica on the ship Endurance in 1914. Shackleton was one of the most famous explorers of his day and it was considered a great honour to be part of his expeditions. Below are some of Blackborow’s diary entries. 31 Oct,1914 一次成功的失败珀西·布莱克博罗于1914年加入欧内斯特·沙克尔顿爵士的“坚忍”号南极探险之旅。沙克尔顿是他那个时代最著名的探险家之一, 参加他的探险活动被视为极大的荣耀。以下是布莱克博罗的几篇日记摘录。1914年10月31日教材原文 教材译文…Well, it so happened that one morning I bought a newspaper and read the advertisement about the Antarctic expedition.……好吧, 有天早上, 我碰巧买了份报纸, 看到一则有关南极探险的广告。续表教材原文 教材译文An expedition to the South Pole with the great Sir Ernest Shackleton-this is the adventure that I have been dreaming of. And I was ready for it. At the age of 19, I am fit and full of vigour. However, when I applied to join the expedition, Shackleton turned me down because he thought I was too young and wasn’t qualified. 跟随伟大的欧内斯特·沙克尔顿爵士去南极探险——这是我一直梦寐以求的冒险之旅。我已经准备好了。19岁的我身体健康、充满活力。然而, 当我申请加入探险队时, 沙克尔顿拒绝了我, 因为他认为我太年轻, 没有资格。续表教材原文 教材译文But I was so enthusiastic about the idea of going along with them that I secretly went aboard his ship, the Endurance, and hid in a small cupboard. Unfortunately, three days after we set off I was discovered. 但我对与他们一起探险实在充满热情, 所以偷偷登上了他的船——“坚忍”号, 藏在一个小橱柜里。不幸的是, 我们出发三天后我就被发现了。续表教材原文 教材译文Shackleton did not want to turn back so he offered me a job, but only after he promised me, “If anyone has to be eaten, then you will be the first!” He assigned me to be a steward, and I now serve meals for twenty-eight men, three times a day. 沙克尔顿不想返航, 于是给了我份工作, 但在这之前他警告我:“要是到了不得不吃人的地步, 你就是第一个!”他安排我做服务员, 因此, 我现在给28个人提供一日三餐。续表教材原文 教材译文How everyone will envy me when I come back and tell them about the amazing places I have been to! 21Nov, 1915 等我回来告诉大家我去了哪些令人惊叹的地方时, 他们该多羡慕我啊!1915年11月21日续表教材原文 教材译文The journey has not been easy. Endurance became stuck in the ice as we approached Antarctica. The ice froze around us and we were well and truly stuck! We saw the ship get crushed by the ice. And when the ship sank, our hearts sank with it. 这段旅程并不轻松。当我们接近南极洲时,“坚忍”号卡在了冰里。我们周围都结冰了, 我们彻底被困住了!我们看到船被冰压碎了。船沉没时, 我们的心也跟着沉了。续表教材原文 教材译文Before we abandoned the ship, Shackleton calmly called us together and told us to rescue our most essential supplies-the small boats, our food, the cook stove, candles, clothes, and blankets. This was no time to panic. 在我们弃船之前, 沙克尔顿平静地把我们叫到一起, 告诉我们要抢救最重要的物资——小船、食物、炊具、蜡烛、衣服和毯子。现在没时间恐慌。续表教材原文 教材译文We were not allowed to take most of our personal belongings, and Shackleton himself threw away all his gold. But to our surprise, he allowed Hussey to keep his banjo. Hussey often plays it to keep our spirits up. 他不允许我们带走大部分的个人物品, 沙克尔顿自己也扔掉了自己所有的黄金。但出乎我们意料的是, 他让赫西留着他的班卓琴。赫西经常演奏它来振奋我们的精神。续表教材原文 教材译文We are now camped on the ice and we have been managing to survive, but spring is coming, and the ice will soon begin to melt. 20 May, 1916 我们现在在冰上扎营, 想方设法生存。但是, 春季将至, 冰很快就会开始融化。1916年5月20日续表教材原文 教材译文We have been struggling for days, but things on Elephant Island are going from bad to worse. We are now crowded together under one of our boats on the rocky shore of this miserable place. Soon after we arrived, 我们已经挣扎了数日, 但象岛上的情况却越发糟糕了。现在, 在这个悲惨之地的岩石海岸我们挤在一艘小船下。我们到达后不久,续表教材原文 教材译文Shackleton left us to find help on South Georgia Island, 1,320 kilometres away-the voyage was too dangerous and difficult for all of us to make it in our small boats. If Shackleton fails, will we have any hope of rescue No. No navy in the world ever stops at Elephant Island, and no one else knows that we are here. 沙克尔顿就离开我们去1,320千米远的南乔治亚岛寻求帮助了——这次航行太过危险, 加之困难重重, 我们都去的话, 仅靠我们坐的小船是没法成功的。要是沙克尔顿失败了, 我们还有得救的希望吗?没有, 世上没有一支海军会在象岛停留, 也没有其他人知道我们在这里。续表教材原文 教材译文I feel low. It’s cold and windy. The island has no plants. Sometimes we are able to catch a seal or a penguin to eat. Otherwise, there is no food. I try to think of happier things: decent food, warm and dry clothes, a cosy bedroom, sunny days, and my mother’s face… However, these happy memories are soon interrupted by a sudden cold rush of air. 我心情很低落。天气又冷又刮着风, 岛上没有任何植被。有时, 我们能抓到一只海豹或企鹅来吃, 否则就没有食物。我尽力去想一些更快乐的事情:像样的食物, 温暖干燥的衣服, 舒适的卧室, 阳光明媚的日子, 还有我妈妈的脸……然而, 这些快乐的回忆很快就被突然袭来的冷空气打断了。续表教材原文 教材译文I shouted, “Shut the door!”“Hold on now, Perce. Don’t you go turning into another Tom,” came the reply. “We’ve caught another penguin, so it’s penguin soup tonight!” Bless Frank Wild, the kindest man there is after our leader, Ernest Shackleton. 我大喊:“关门!”“要坚持住啊, 珀西。你可不要变成另一个汤姆。”有人答道, “我们又抓到一只企鹅, 今晚喝企鹅汤!” 上天保佑弗兰克·怀尔德, 他是除了我们的领袖欧内斯特·沙克尔顿外, 最善良温和的男人。续表教材原文 教材译文How could I become as selfish and bad-tempered as Thomas Orde-Lees! Without Frank and Ernest, we’d all be dead by now. Their genuine concern for others, their perseverance, and their resolve fill me with hope. Perhaps there is a chance we will return home, after all. 我怎么会变得跟托马斯·奥德利斯一样自私和暴躁啊!要不是弗兰克和欧内斯特, 我们早就死了。他们对他人真诚的关心, 他们的毅力和决心让我充满了希望。毕竟, 也许我们还是有机会回家的。续表Ⅱ. 词汇拓展1. ____________ / kw l fa d/adj. 符合资格; 具备……的知识(或技能、学历等)→ __________ / kw l fa /v. 使具备资格; 使合格; 取得资格(或学历)→ ________________ / kw l f ke n/n. 资格; 学历; 限定条件qualifiedqualifyqualification2. _______________ / n θju zi st k/adj. 热情的; 热心的→ _____________ / n θju zi z m/n. 热情; 热衷的事物→ _____________ / n θju zi st/n. 热心者; 爱好者enthusiasticenthusiasmenthusiast3. _________ / sa n/vt. 分派; 布置; 分配→ _____________ / sa nm nt/n. (分派的)工作; 任务assignassignment4. _______ / envi/n. & vt. 羡慕; 妒忌→ ___________ / envi bl/adj. 令人羡慕的; 引起忌妒的envyenviable5. __________ / b nd n/vt. 舍弃; 抛弃; 放弃→ ____________ / b nd nd/adj. 被遗弃的; 被抛弃的abandonabandoned6. _____________ /b l z/n. [pl.]财物; 动产→ _________ /b l /v. 属于belongingsbelong7. __________ / d enju n/adj. 真正的; 真诚的; 可信赖的→ ____________ / d enju nli/adv. 真诚地; 诚实地genuinegenuinely8. _______________ / p s v r ns/n. 毅力; 韧性; 不屈不挠的精神→ ____________/ p s v (r)/vi. 坚持; 孜孜以求perseverancepersevere9. __________ /r z lv/vi. & vt. 决定; 决心; 解决(问题或困难)n. 决心; 坚定的信念→ _____________ / rez lu n/n. 决议; 解决; 坚定resolveresolution10. ___________ / θ r /adj. 深入的; 彻底的; 细致的→ _____________ / θ r li/adv. 彻底; 完全thoroughthoroughly11. ________ / kru l/adj. 残酷的; 残忍的; 冷酷的→ __________ / kru lt/n. 残忍; 残酷; 残暴cruelcruelty12. ________________ / n f t n tli/adv. 不幸地;遗憾地→ ______________ / n f t n t/adj. 不幸的→ ____________ / f t n t/adj. 幸运的→ ______________ / f t n tli/adv. 幸运地→ __________ / f t u n/n. 运气;机会; 大笔的钱unfortunatelyunfortunatefortunatefortunatelyfortune13. ______________ / pl ke n/n. 申请; 请求; 应用→ ________ / pla /v. 申请; 涂; 敷; 应用→ ____________ / pl k nt/n. 申请人applicationapplyapplicantⅢ. 情境词块1. turn sb. down ___________拒绝某人2. set off _____________________________出发; 使(炸弹等)爆炸; 激起3. well and truly _________________完全地; 彻底地4. make it _______________________________获得成功; 准时到达; 渡过难关5. hold on _____________________坚持住; 抓紧; 稍等8. 令某人惊讶的是 _____________________to one’s surprise9. 保持情绪高昂 _________________________keep one’s spirits up10. 每况愈下 _______________________go from bad to worse6. 梦想做…… _____________dream of…7. 对……充满热情; 热衷于 ________________________be enthusiastic aboutⅣ. 情境佳句1.句型公式 It (just) so happens that…碰巧; 恰好教材原句 Well, it so happened that one morning I bought a newspaper and read the advertisement about the Antarctic expedition. 是这样的, 有天早上, 我碰巧买了份报纸, 看到一则有关南极探险的广告。中文例句 我碰巧没带钱。句式仿写 _____________________________________________It so happened that I had no money with me.2.句型公式 There is a chance (that)…有机会……教材原句 Perhaps there is a chance we will return home, after all. 毕竟, 也许我们还是有机会回家的。中文例句 我们队很有可能赢得这场比赛。句式仿写 _________________________________our team will win the game.There is a great chance (that)Ⅰ. 文本理解1. Reading for the main idea.What’s the main idea of the text ( )A. The bitter conditions on Elephant Island.B. The difficulties Shackleton and his crew met.C. The reason why Blackborow was turned down.D. The food they ate during the journey.B1. Reading for the structure.Fill in the following blanks with proper words.Join the expedition ●applied but was 1. ________________●secretly went aboard and hid in a 2. _______________ but was soon discovered●worked as a 3. ______________ and served mealsturned downcupboardstewardDuring the journey: not an 4.______one ●The ship got 5. ____________ by the ice.●We abandoned the ship and most of our 6. ____________________ but kept a banjo.●Things on the island were getting 7. ____________ and Shackleton went to 8. ____________________ help.●Frank and Ernest gave me hope with their 9. ___________________and 10. ______________ .crushedbelongingsworseeasyfind/seekperseveranceresolve续表Reading for the details.1. Why was Perce turned down when applying to join the expedition ( )A. He was full of vigour.B. He was too young and wasn’t qualified.C. He wanted to show off and made his friends envy him.D. He can’t equal to the job of a steward.B2. What supplies did the crew give up when the ship got crushed ( )A. A banjo. B. The stove. C. Candles. D. Gold.D3. How did Perce describe Shackleton in his diary ( )A. Strict and confident. B. Brave and ambitious.C. Calm and considerate. D. Smart and open-minded.C4. What did the crew mainly live on on Elephant Island ( )A. Animals. B. His mother’s face.C. Plants. D. Happy memories.AⅡ. 难句突破1. However, ① when I applied to join the expedition , Shackleton turned me down ② because he thought ③ I was too young and wasn’t qualified .【分析】 本句是主从复合句。①为when 引导的 ___________从句;②为because引导的 ___________从句, 其中③为省略连接词_______ 的宾语从句。【译文】 _______________________________________________________________________________时间状语原因状语that然而, 当我申请加入探险队时, 沙克尔顿拒绝了我, 因为他认为我太年轻, 没有资格。2. ①How everyone will envy me ② when I come back and tell them about the amazing places ③ I have been to!【分析】 本句是how引出的感叹句。①为句子主干部分;②为when引导的 ___________ 从句;③为省略引导词that的 _______ 从句, 修饰先行词places。【译文】_________________________________________________________________时间状语定语等我回来告诉大家我去了哪些令人惊叹的地方时, 他们该多羡慕我啊!Ⅲ. 概要写作Step 1 Question Answering根据课文内容回答下列问题。1. Was Perce interested in the expedition to Antarctic with Shackleton ____________________________________________________________________________Yes, Perce was interested in the expedition to Antarctic with Shackleton.2. How did Perce come to join the expedition _______________________________________________________He secretly went aboard and hid in a small cupboard.3. When was Perce discovered ___________________________________________________He was discovered three days after they set off.4. Was the voyage an easy one ______________________________________No, the voyage was not an easy one.5. What happened to the Endurance ________________________________________________________________The Endurance was stuck and crushed by the ice and then sank.6. What did the crew members have to do ____________________________________________________________________________________They had to camp on the ice and struggled to survive under the bitter conditions.7. What did Shackleton do to make sure they could survive _________________________________________Shackleton left the crew to seek help.8. How did Frank and Ernest encourage the crew _______________________________________________________________________________________________Their genuine concern for others, their perseverance, and their resolve encouraged the crew.Step 2 Sentence Rewriting1. 用be enthusiastic about改写第1句。____________________________________________________________________________Perce was enthusiastic about the expedition to Antarctic with Shackleton.2. 用非谓语动词合并第2、3句。_________________________________________________________________________________________________________He secretly went aboard, hiding in a small cupboard, but was discovered three days after they set off.3. 用并列连词合并第4、5句。____________________________________________________________________________________________The voyage was not easy and the Endurance sank after it was stuck and crushed by the ice.4. 用强调句改写第8句。_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________It was Frank and Ernest’s genuine concern for others, their perseverance, and their resolve that encouraged the crew.Step 3 Summary Writing1. 将以上句子连成一篇语言流畅、用词准确、逻辑严密的文章概要。________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Perce was enthusiastic about the expedition to Antarctic with Shackleton. Therefore, he secretly went aboard, hiding in a small cupboard, but was discovered three days after they set off. The voyage was not easy and the Endurance sank after it was stuck and crushed by the ice. The crew had to camp on the ice and struggled to survive under the bitter conditions. Then Shackleton left to seek help. It was Frank and Ernest’s genuine concern for others, their perseverance, and their resolve that encouraged the crew.1. turn down 拒绝; 把……调低; 关小However, when I applied to join the expedition, Shackleton turned me down because he thought I was too young and wasn’t qualified. 然而, 当我申请加入探险队时, 沙克尔顿拒绝了我, 因为他认为我太年轻, 没有资格。(教材P38)典例翻译① Please turn the volume down, for I can’t get what my friend said on the phone._______________________________________________________请把音量调低些, 因为我听不清我朋友电话里说了些什么。② They finally turned up at nearly midnight._____________________________他们终于在近午夜时出现了。③ It turned out that he won first prize, which was beyond his expectation._________________________________________结果是他得了一等奖, 这超出了他的预期。④ She has nobody she can turn to._______________她求助无门。⑤ I haven’t even turned in Monday’s work yet._____________________________我连星期一的作业还没交呢。归纳拓展(1) 调高; 偶然出现; 露面 __________turn up(2) 结果是; 生产 ___________turn out(3) 求助; 翻到; 转向 __________turn to(4) 上交; 提交 __________turn in(5) 关掉 ___________turn off学以致用(1) 单句填空① Don’t turn ______ the computer before closing all programs, or you could have problems.off② The job turned ______ to be harder than we thought.out(2) 完成句子③为了能集中精力学习, 她拒绝了几次演出的邀请。She has __________________________________ to star at shows in order to concentrate on her studies.turned down several invitations2. qualified adj. 符合资格; 具备……的知识(或技能、学历等)However, when I applied to join the expedition, Shackleton turned me down because he thought I was too young and wasn’t qualified. 然而, 当我申请加入探险队时, 沙克尔顿拒绝了我, 因为他认为我太年轻, 没有资格。(教材P38)典例翻译① She is extremely well qualified for the job._________________________________她完全符合担任这项工作的条件。② I don’t know much about it, so I don’t feel qualified to comment.___________________________________________关于此事我所知不多, 所以觉得没资格评论。④ Previous teaching experience is a necessary qualification for this job._____________________________________教学经验是担任这项工作的必备条件。③ This training course will qualify you for a better job._____________________________________本培训课程将使你能胜任更好的工作。归纳拓展(1) 有资格做某事 _______________________________适合做; 符合……的条件 ________________________be/feel qualified to do sth.be qualified for sth.(2) v. 使具备资格; 使合格; 取得资格(或学历) __________qualify(3) n. 资格; 学历; 限制条件 ________________qualification学以致用(1) 单句填空① I’m writing to apply to join it, thinking that I’m well qualified ______ the job.for② She has met the minimum educational requirements for ________________ (qualify).qualification(2) 完成句子③看着这个招聘广告, 他在想自己是否有资格去申请这份工作。Reading the job ad, he wondered ___________________________________________ .whether he was qualified to apply for it3. enthusiastic adj. 热情的; 热心的But I was so enthusiastic about the idea of going along with them that I secretly went aboard his ship, the Endurance, and hid in a small cupboard. 但我对与他们一起探险实在充满热情, 所以偷偷登上了他的船——“坚忍”号, 藏在一个小橱柜里。(教材P38)典例翻译① He is enthusiastic about academic research._________________________他对学术研究很感兴趣。② Darren greeted the speaker with great enthusiasm._________________________________Darren非常热情地接待了演讲者。③ He is a great sports enthusiast.___________________________他是个真正的体育爱好者。归纳拓展(1) 对……充满热情; 热衷于 ________________________be enthusiastic about(2) n. 热情; 热衷的事物 _____________n. 热心者; 爱好者 _____________enthusiasmenthusiast(3)enthusiastically adv. 热心地; 满腔热情地学以致用(1) 单句填空① Cathy has inspired us with her will and _____________ (enthusiastic).enthusiasm② The announcement was greeted ___________________ (enthusiastic).enthusiastically(2) 单句写作③全体员工都对这个项目感兴趣。____________________________________________________All the staff are enthusiastic about the project.4. assign vt. 分派; 布置; 分配He assigned me to be a steward, and I now serve meals for twenty-eight men, three times a day. 他安排我做服务员, 因此, 我现在给28个人提供一日三餐。(教材P38)典例翻译① The teacher assigned a different task to each of the children. = The teacher assigned each of the children a different task._____________________________________老师给每个儿童都布置了不同的作业。② I was assigned to B platoon.____________________我被派到B排工作。③ The general manager assigned him to guide the construction of the building.___________________________________总经理派他去指导这栋大楼的建设。④ You will need to complete three written assignments per semester._______________________________你每学期要完成三个书面作业。归纳拓展(1) 分配某物给某人; 分派、布置(工作、任务等)给某人 _______________________________________assign sb. sth. = assign sth. to sb.(2) 指派某人到某(部分、地方) __________________assign sb. to…(3) 分配某人做某事; 指派某人做某事 ________________________assign sb. to do sth.(4) n. (分派的)工作; 任务 _____________assignment学以致用(1) 单句填空① We believe the time and hard work involved in completing the _____________ (assign) are worthwhile.assignment② The teacher assigned me ___________ (write) an essay about the reform and opening-up policy of China.to write(2) 单句写作③毕业之前, 我们的导师会给我们布置论文。______________________________________________________________________________________________________________.Before graduation, our tutor will assign us papers. = Before graduation, our tutor will assign papers to us5. envy n. & vt. 羡慕; 妒忌How everyone will envy me when I come back and tell them about the amazing places I have been to! 等我回来告诉大家我去了哪些令人惊叹的地方时, 他们该多羡慕我啊!(教材P38)典例翻译① He will have a chance of visiting Guilin. We all envy him his good fortune._____________________________________________他将有机会游览桂林, 我们都很羡慕他的好运。② The new watch was the envy of his classmates._________________________________那块新的手表令他的同学们羡慕。③ They looked with envy at her latest purchase.___________________________________他们艳羡地看着她最近买到的东西。④ He is in the enviable position of having two job offers to choose from._________________________________他有两份工作可选, 真让人羡慕。归纳拓展(1) 羡慕/忌妒某人有某物 ________________envy sb. sth.(2) 成为羡慕/忌妒的对象 _________________羡慕地; 忌妒地 ____________be the envy ofwith envy(3) adj. 令人羡慕的; 引起忌妒的 ___________enviable学以致用(1) 单句填空① He looked _______ envy at his friend’s new car.with② People can’t help __________ (envy) his wages and lifestyle.envying(2) 完成句子③随着中国互联网的发展, 我们的移动支付令其他国家非常羡慕。With the development of the Internet in China, ______________________________________________________________our mobile payment has become the envy of other countries .6. abandon vt. 舍弃; 抛弃; 放弃Before we abandoned the ship, Shackleton calmly called us together and told us to rescue our most essential supplies-the small boats, our food, the cook stove, candles, clothes, and blankets. 在我们弃船之前, 沙克尔顿平静地把我们叫到一起, 告诉我们要抢救最重要的物资——小船、食物、炊具、蜡烛、衣服和毯子。(教材P38)典例翻译① He abandoned studying abroad because of his father’s illness._____________________________________因为他父亲的病, 他放弃了出国留学。② The study showed a deep fear among the elderly of being abandoned to the care of strangers.___________________________________________研究表明, 老人十分害怕被丢给陌生人照管。③ He abandoned himself to despair._______________他陷入绝望。④ He posts photos of abandoned cats and dogs onto the Internet in order to arouse people’s concern._____________________________________________________他在网上发布被遗弃的猫和狗的照片以引起人们的关心。归纳拓展(1) 放弃做某事 _____________________把……丢弃给……; 把……丢到…… _______________________________陷入; 沉湎于(某种情感) _____________________abandon doing sth.abandon sb./sth. to sb./sth.abandon oneself to(2) adj.被遗弃的; 被抛弃的 ____________abandoned学以致用(1) 单句填空① These ____________ (abandon) children have now got a new home.abandoned② However, these plans _________________ (abandon) because of financial problems.were abandoned(2) 完成句子③我们害怕陷入自己的情感中, 以防我们看起来太懦弱或失控。_____________________________________________________ in case we seem too weak or out of control.We are scared to abandon ourselves to our feelings7. belongings n. [pl.] 财物; 动产We were not allowed to take most of our personal belongings, and Shackleton himself threw away all his gold. 他不允许我们带走大部分的个人物品, 沙克尔顿自己也扔掉了自己所有的黄金。(教材P38)典例翻译① Setting foot on the homeland, he felt a strong sense of belonging. _________________________________________踏上祖国的土地, 他有一种强烈的归属感。② While the two are only days apart in age they seem to belong to wholly different generations._________________________________________________________________虽然这两位年龄上只有几天之差, 但他们好像属于完全不同年代的人。归纳拓展(1) 属于(无被动语态) ____________belong to(2) 归属感 _______________________a sense of belonging学以致用(1) 单句填空① Lockers are available to store any _____________ (belong) during your visit.belongings② Carducci believes developing such a sense of ____________ (belong) starts with small talk.belonging(2) 完成句子③我的自行车正在修理中。(belonging to作后置定语)___________________________ is under repair.The bike belonging to me8. application n. 申请; 请求; 应用Unfortunately, his application was turned down because he was too young and not qualified enough. 不幸的是, 他的申请被拒绝了, 因为他太年轻了, 资格不够。(教材P40)典例翻译① They _________________________ the committee for permission to use this tennis court.___________________________________made an application to他们向委员会申请使用这个网球场。② When applying for a visa, you need to state simply and clearly the reasons why you need it._____________________________________________申请签证时, 你需要简单明了地说明申请理由。③ The new technology was applied to farming.___________________________这项新技术已应用于农业。④ He has been applying himself to achieving his personal goal._________________________________他一直致力于实现他的个人目标。归纳拓展(1) (向某人)申请…… __________________________________________make an application (to sb.) for sth.(2) apply v. 应用; 申请申请…… ______________把……应用到…… ______________致力于; 专心于 ___________________apply for…apply…to…apply oneself to(3)applicant n. 申请人学以致用(1) 单句填空① I attached a photo to my ______________(apply) form and sent it to the company.application② Lisa applied to a big company ______ a post last week.for(2) 单句写作③只有用这种方式, 我们才能更好地将理论应用于实践。___________________________________________________________Only in this way can we better apply theory to practice.It(just)so happens that…碰巧……Well, it so happened that one morning I bought a newspaper and read the advertisement about the Antarctic expedition. 好吧, 有天早上, 我碰巧买了份报纸, 看到一则有关南极探险的广告。(教材P38)典例翻译① It happened that she was out when we called._____________________________我们打电话时她刚巧不在家。② She happened to be out when we called._____________________________我们打电话时她刚巧不在家。③ I hope nothing has happened to them._____________________我希望他们没出事。归纳拓展(1) _________________________ = It happens that…碰巧……sb. happens to do sth.(2) 某人碰巧做某事 _________________________某事发生在某人身上 ______________________sb. happens to do sth.sth. happens to sb.学以致用(1) 单句填空① _____ just so happened that they’d been invited too.It② I happened ________ (be) there when the accident happened.to be(2) 单句写作③这是我遇到过的最好的事。_____________________________________________________It’s the best thing that has ever happened to me.Ⅰ. 语境填词根据语境和汉语提示写出单词的正确形式。1. It happened on a _________ (严寒的) winter morning.bitter2. After retiring from the navy, he went on an _____________ (探险).expedition3. He showed remarkable ____________ (忍耐力) throughout his illness.endurance4. He worked with renewed _________ (活力) and determination.vigour5. Although the expedition might be a bitter and ____________(痛苦的) experience, they were fearless.miserable6. I want to find a _________ (体面的) and leisurable job with high pay in the future, and then I can spend more time on travelling and other meaningful things.decent7. I felt warm and _______ (舒适的) sitting by the fire.cosy8. It was __________ (自私的) of him to leave all the work to you.selfish9. To be honest, if it is a __________ (真正的) Michelangelo drawing, it will sell for millions of pounds.genuine10. Officers have made a ___________ (细致的) examination of the wreckage.thoroughⅡ. 语境选词根据语境用方框内短语的正确形式填空。make it; hold on; turn down; well and truly; set off; keep up; in all directions; go from bad to worse; dream of; be enthusiastic about1. To safeguard people’s safety and reduce pollution, the fireworks are not allowed to be __________ in the city.set off2. They managed to __________ until rescuers arrived.hold on3. When the police arrived, the crowd scattered ____________________ .in all directions4. Walking alone in the dark, the boy whistled to __________his courage.keep up5. She ____________ running her own business.dreams of6. We hope for improvement but things _______________________ .go from bad to worse7. The public should learn to distinguish true and false information, because some information on the Internet can be _________________ wrong.well and truly8. The plan that he came up with wasn’t practical and achievable, so the company ______________ it.turned down9. He _________________________ our expedition and gave us a lot of guidance.was enthusiastic about10. I believe I have the talent to __________ .make itⅢ. 课文语法填空As a young man full of both passion and endurance, Perce Blackborow had long been 1. ___________ (dream) of a decent adventure, so he didn’t give up when Sir Ernest Shackleton turned down his request to join the expedition. Perce 2. ___________ (secret) hid himself in a cupboard, only 3. ______________ (find) three days after they set off. He felt fortunate and happy when he was assigned as a steward instead of being sent back home.dreamingsecretlyto be foundIt turned 4.______ to be a tough journey. The ship got 5. ________ (stick) in the ice as they approached Antarctica and they had to abandon the ship. 6. ________ the guidance of Sir Ernest, they 7. ________ (throw) away nearly everything except necessities and a banjo, 8. ________ kept their spirits up during the journey. Survival was not easy and things went from bad to worse. Finally Sir Ernest left for South Georgia Island in order to find help.whichoutstuckUnderthrewThe desperate situation made young Perce Blackborow feel down and become bad-tempered. It was the genuine 9. ________________ (encourage) and concern from Bless Frank Wild that cheered him up. Frank and Ernest’s resolve and perseverance filled him with hope. Realizing that he shouldn’t become selfish just because of 10. ______ adversity they were faced with, he learned to be optimistic and determined.encouragementtheⅠ. 单句语法填空1. I make a list of books I will read and the __________________ (assign) I will do.assignment(s)2. She packed her few _____________ (belong) in a bag and left.belongings3. The reforms owe a great deal to the _____________ (resolve) of one man.resolution4. At the sight of the __________ (cruel), he could scarcely contain his anger.cruelty5. ________________ (unfortunate), due to unforeseen circumstances, this year’s show has been cancelled.Unfortunately6. One of the easiest ways to save money on college ______________(apply) fees before you begin applying is to narrow down your list of schools.applicationⅡ. 同义替换abandon; genuine; cosy; turn down; decent; be enthusiastic about1. The living room was warm and comfortable. _______cosy2. We need laws that will protect real refugees. __________genuine3. There are a few respectable players in the team. _________decent4. They are interested in this project. _________________________are enthusiastic about5. He gave the order to leave the ship because it was sinking. __________abandon6. I’m not going to refuse an invitation to go to New York! ____________turn downⅢ. 完成句子1. 碰巧那封信还没有被寄走。(happen)___________________ the letter hadn’t got posted.It happened that2. 多谢了!要是没有你及时的指导, 我不可能在这么短的时间里完成这个艰巨的任务。(虚拟语气)Thanks a lot! Without your timely guidance, ________________________________________________________________.I couldn’t have finished the tough task in such a short time3. 我们中多数人克服了重重困难, 最终爬上了山顶。(make it)Most of us overcame many difficulties and finally _____________________________________.made it to the top of the mountainⅠ. 阅读理解[2020山东泰安期末] As I watched my son Nathan play basketball for his high school team, I was starting to feel sorry for myself and for him. His team was facing adversity on the court and he was playing in a hostile environment-it was the competitors’ home gym filled with their supporters, and Nathan’s team was trailing for three quarters of the game. As for me, I had been fired from my job earlier in the day.During my drive home, I kept telling myself that I would find work again in a short time-I am confident about my experience and abilities. This is the same belief as I tried to teach my son. The basketball game entered the fourth quarter with Nathan’s team still trailing. I saw the determination on his, as well as his teammates’ faces as they fought back not only to tie with the other team, but then go ahead by three points. Then, a player from the other team made an unbelievable shot to tie the score again. With the game in a tie and few seconds on the clock, Nathan found himself with the ball and with skills and confidence.He proceeded to make a basket with a defender hanging all over him. The defender was warned for a foul(犯规).As Nathan stood at the foul line preparing for a shot that would make his team three points ahead, I saw the determination on his face. His team managed to stop the other team from scoring, winning the game and moving on to the finals.As I sat there, my heart burst with pride. I had taught him perseverance in the face of adversity, and he had just taught me the same lesson.That brief moment of self-doubt and feeling sorry for myself was blown away by the actions of my son on the basketball court. He will play in the finals, and it doesn’t matter if he wins or loses. At this moment, we both won.1. We can learn from the text that____.A. I lost my job for lack of experience and abilitiesB. Nathan’s team won a narrow victory in the basketball gameC. I was proud of Nathan because he won the game in the finalsD. Nathan had never doubted himself whenever he was in troubleB[解析] [语篇解读] 本文讲述了作者在观看儿子篮球比赛过程中, 看到儿子所在的球队在比赛临近尾声并处于劣势的情况下, 依然满怀信心、坚持不懈, 最后获得了胜利。这番情景让刚刚失业正处于沮丧不自信中的作者消除了自我怀疑, 重新燃起了生活的斗志。【命题立意】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据文章第三段的With the game in a tie and few seconds on the clock, Nathan found himself with the ball and with skills and confidence. 和第四段的His team managed to stop the other team from scoring,winning the game and moving on to the finals. 可推测, 作者儿子所在的队在比赛最后以微弱的优势获得了胜利。B. Nathan’s team won a narrow victory in the basketball game(Nathan所在的队在篮球比赛中险胜)符合文意, 故选B项。2. What does the underlined word “trailing” in the first paragraph probably mean ( )A. Losing. B. Falling behind.C. Being defeated. D. Winning.B[解析] 【命题立意】词义猜测题。【解题思路】根据画线词所在句子中的Nathan’s team was trailing for three quarters of the game以及he was playing in a hostile environment可知他的队正面临困境, 比赛有四分之三的时间处于“trailing”。结合句意, 尤其是hostile推测画线词的意思是落后。故选B项。3. What can we infer from the last paragraph ( )A. My son would win in the finals and I would find a job soon.B. I had once taught my son face to face that we should never give up.C. It was my encouragement and help that made my son win the game.D. I would become more confident about my future after this experience.D[解析] 【命题立意】推理判断题。【解题思路】由最后一段That brief moment of self-doubt and feeling sorry for myself was blown away by the actions of my son on the basketball court. (我儿子在篮球场上的行为使我短暂的自我怀疑和为自己感到难过的那一刻烟消云散。)可以看出, 儿子比赛过程中面对困境依然坚持不懈的态度和行为, 使得作者也不再自怨自艾、怀疑自我, 对于未来更加充满了自信。D. I would become more confident about my future after this experience. (这次经历后我会对自己的未来更自信)符合文意, 故选D项。4. What is the best title for the text ( )A. An Inspiring Game B. A Moment of Self-DoubtC. A Lesson from My Son D. An Unforgettable ExperienceC[解析] 【命题立意】主旨大意题。【解题思路】作者因为被解雇而心情沮丧, 从而怀疑自我。观看儿子比赛后, 作者改变了态度。从文章最后一段I had taught him perseverance in the face of adversity, and he had just taught me the same lesson. (我教他在逆境中坚持, 他也教了我同样的道理。)可知, C. A Lesson from My Son (来自儿子的一课)可以作为本文标题, 故选C项。深度解析词汇积累1. hostile adj.敌对的; 怀有敌意的 2. tie n. 平局; 得分相同 3. proceed v. 接着做Ⅱ. 完形填空[2020 山西太原高二上期末考试] The LEGO story started in a Danish woodworking shop. At the time, Ole Kirk Christiansen was just a (n)1._________ carpenter in the village Billund but with ambition. As a young man, Christiansen turned his love of playing with wood into 2._________ and, in 1916, he opened his own shop.At first, his shop produced furniture like ladders, stools and ironing boards. But in 1924, just as he was looking to expand his business,his sons 3._________ set a pile of wood chips in the shop on fire, 4._________ the entire building and the family’s home.Despite a total 5._________ , Christiansen saw the fire as an excuse to simply 6._________ a larger workshop. 7._________ , tragedy continued to strike. In 1929, the Great Depression hit the world, and his wife died in 1932. Affected by financial and 8._________ disasters, Christiansen laid off many of his workers and 9._________ to make ends meet. Little did he know that those tragedies would be of importance for his business to 10._________ .Since times were so hard, Christiansen made the difficult decision to use his wood to create 11._________ goods that might actually sell. The decision didn’t 12._________ at first. But his love of toys pushed the company ahead, even when it was 13._________ the toughest times. It 14._________ that he was a brilliant toy-maker. Soon, his wonderful models of cars and animals and his adorable pull toys gained national popularity. His bestseller, a wooden duck whose mouth opens and closes when pulled, is now still a hot 15._________ .In 1949, his company created its plastic bricks called the Automatic Binding Bricks. And the toy became more and more popular as the years passed.1. ( )A. ordinary B. differentC. eager D. skillfulA[解析] [语篇解读] 本文为记叙文, 讲述了乐高公司创始人的经历。他虽然多次遭受挫折, 但仍不言败, 最终取得了成功。此处表达:在那时, Ole Kirk Christiansen 仅仅是Billund的一个普通木匠。联系语境并根据“but with ambition”可知, Christiansen 虽然平凡, 却有着远大志向。故选A。2. ( )A. preference B. gratitudeC. fortune D. businessD[解析] 根据空后的“he opened his own shop”可知, Christiansen 开了自己的店, 即他把自己的爱好转变成了生意, 下文中的“expand his business” 也是信息提示, 故选D。3. ( )A. anxiously B. nervouslyC. blindly D. accidentallyD[解析] 结合语境并由上文中的But可知, 他的儿子们不小心把店里的一堆木屑点着了, 焚毁了整栋楼, 也毁掉了他们的家。accidentally意外地, 偶然地, 符合语境, 故选D。4. ( )A. protecting B. abandoningC. destroying D. repeatingC[解析] 参见上题解析。destroy毁灭, 破坏, 摧毁。5. ( )A. success B. loss C. pain D. failureB[解析] 句意:尽管一切全都毁了, 但Christiansen把这场火灾当作修建一个更大的作坊的理由。loss丧失, 亏损, 损失, 在此处指代上文中提到的火灾毁掉的一切, 故选B。6. ( )A. design B. draw C. remove D. buildD[解析] 结合语境和常识可知, 火灾烧毁一切后需要重新修建。故选D。7. ( )A. However B. Thus C. Besides D. AnywayA[解析] 联系上下文可知, 该句与前一句为转折关系, 故However符合文意。8. ( )A. natural B. historical C. personal D. artificialC[解析] 联系语境可知, 此处指受到经济灾难和个人不幸的影响。“个人不幸”指的是上文中提到的“his wife died”。故选C。9. ( )A. planned B. struggled C. happened D. promisedB[解析] 联系语境可知, 受到经济大萧条和妻子去世的影响, Christiansen 解雇了很多工人, 努力维持生计。struggle奋斗, 努力, 符合语境, 故选B。10. ( )A. quit B. recover C. fail D. advertiseB[解析] 根据下文可知, 他的事业大获成功, 故此处指这些不幸对他恢复生意很重要。recover恢复, 符合语境, 故选B。11. ( )A. inconvenient B. unpopularC. priceless D. inexpensiveD[解析] 此处指他做了一个艰难的决定:做一些可能会卖出去的便宜商品。故选D。12. ( )A. show off B. give offC. pay off D. take offC[解析] 根据下一句的But可知, 起初这个决定并没有取得成功。pay off成功, 奏效, 达到目的。故选C。13. ( )A. going through B. going intoC. getting through D. getting overA[解析] 句意:但是即使是在公司最艰难的时期, 他对玩具的热爱推动着公司前进。go through经历, 遭受, 符合语境, 故选A。14. ( )A. broke out B. carried outC. turned out D. figured outC[解析] 根据下一句内容可知, 他的玩具受到广泛欢迎。由此可推断, 此处讲的是结果证明他是一个才华横溢的玩具制造者。turn out原来是, 证明是, 结果是。故选C。15. ( )A. choice B. finding C. hit D. propertyC[解析] 联系语境可知, 此处讲的是他的一款畅销玩具到目前仍然受欢迎。hit很受欢迎的人(或事物), 符合语境, 故选C。深度解析词汇积累ambition n. 野心; 雄心; 志向; 抱负2. tragedy n. 悲剧; 不幸3. make ends meet使收支相抵; 勉强维持生计4. brilliant adj. 明亮的; 聪颖的; 杰出的5. adorable adj. 可爱的; 讨人喜爱的Ⅲ. 语法填空[2020江西赣州检测] This morning, a bus was running in the street. On it 1.____________ (be) those going to work. Suddenly, a car rushed from the road nearby; 2.___________ bus came to an emergency halt(停止). It was a car for taking photographs of the wedding, 3.________________ (follow) by a long wedding motorcade. The passengers started to voice their discontent, but the driver sat in his seat quietly and 4._________________ (regular) rang the horn (喇叭).werethefollowedregularlySomeone said to the driver,“It’s no use 5.____________ (ring) the horn; they wouldn’t make way for you. You’d better rush through the space between the wedding cars.”The driver turned back and said with a smile, “I ring the horn not to let them make way for me, but 6._______________ (send) my best wishes to them.” After a short time, he added, “Marriage is a happy thing, so we have a chance to make way for others’ 7._________________ (happy). Isn’t it a happy thing ”The passengers calmed 8.____________ instantly.ringingto sendhappinessdown9._________ is happy to do that and the one 10.____________ has such a thought is certainly a happy person.who/thatIt1. _______were[解析] [语篇解读] 本文为记叙文。如果你经常为别人着想, 那么你肯定是一个幸福的人。考查主谓一致和时态。此句是介词短语位于句首引起的倒装句, 正常语序为“Those going to work __on it.”, 主语为Those, 且根据前文中的This morning可知, 空处应用一般过去时, 故填were。2. ______the[解析] 考查冠词。此处特指上文提到的那辆公共汽车, 故应填定冠词 the。3. ___________followed[解析] 考查非谓语动词。空处所填词与a car为逻辑上的被动关系, 故填 followed。4. ____________regularly[解析] 考查副词。空处修饰动词rang, 故应用副词形式。5. __________ringing[解析] 考查非谓语动词。it’s no use doing sth. 为固定结构, 意为“做……是没用的”。6. __________to send[解析] 考查非谓语动词。此句包含“not…but…”结构, 根据前文中的 not to let可知, 此处应用 but to do sth. 与之对应。7. ____________happiness[解析] 考查名词。others’ 7 在句中作for的宾语, 故填happy的名词形式。8. _______down[解析] 考查固定搭配。calm down意为“冷静下来”。9. _____It[解析] 考查代词。分析句子结构可知, It是形式主语, 真正的主语是后面的动词不定式短语。10. ___________who/that[解析] 考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知, 空处引导定语从句, 修饰先行词the one, 指人, 且关系词在定语从句中作主语, 故填who/that。(共54张PPT)UNIT 4 ADVERSITY AND COURAGESection Ⅱ Learning About Language(现在完成进行时)教材链接(1)(教材P38) An expedition to the South Pole with the great Sir Ernest Shackleton-this is the adventure that I have been dreaming of.(2)(教材P38) We are now camped on the ice and we have been managing to survive, but spring is coming, and the ice will soon begin to melt.(3)(教材P39) We have been struggling for days, but things on Elephant Island are going from bad to worse.观察上面句子, 黑体部分使用的时态为 _________________ , 其结构为 ______________________ 。have/has been doing现在完成进行时要点精析1. 现在完成进行时的构成:have/has been doingI have been teaching English at university for 25 years.我在大学教英语25年了。I have been trying to find out her telephone number.我一直在努力找出她的电话号码。2. 现在完成进行时的用法(1)表示动作从过去某个时刻开始, 一直持续到现在, 还可能延续下去, 强调动作的延续性。I have been waiting for an hour, but she hasn’t come yet. 我都等了一个小时了, 但是她还没来。She has been burning the midnight oil to prepare for GRE recently. 她最近在熬夜准备研究生入学资格考试。(2)表示从过去到现在的一段时间内反复进行的动作或存在的状态。She has been phoning Jim every night for two weeks.两个星期以来, 她每天晚上都给吉姆打电话。Jack has been practicing Tai Chi for more than a year.杰克练太极一年多了。(3)表示动作刚刚结束, 该动作一般不再继续, 有时会指出结果。I have been playing badminton all morning, so I’m sweating heavily. 整个上午我一直在打羽毛球, 所以我浑身是汗。I have been painting the door, so my hands are very dirty. 我一直在给门刷漆, 所以我的手很脏。(4)表达某种感彩。She has been persuading me to give up the plan.她一直在劝我放弃这个计划。(不耐烦)You have been daydreaming but never make an effort.你一直在做白日梦, 却从不努力。(指责)3. 现在完成时和现在完成进行时的区别(1)现在完成进行时往往强调动作的延续, 现在完成时往往强调动作的完成。They have been widening the road.他们在加宽马路。(但尚未完工)They have widened the road.他们加宽了马路。(已完工)(2)现在完成进行时往往表示动作在重复, 现在完成时表示的动作常常不带重复性。Julia has gone to the library.朱莉娅去图书馆了。Julia has been going to the library for a year.朱莉娅这一年经常去图书馆。(3)现在完成进行时含感彩, 现在完成时通常只陈述事实。I have been waiting for you for two hours.我一直在等你, 等了两个小时。(表示不满)I have waited for you for two hours.我已经等了你两个小时了。(说明一个事实)实战演练Ⅰ. 单句语法填空1. [2020课标全国Ⅲ] It’s hard to tell exactly how many people agree with him, but research indicates that the numbers ___________________(rise) for some time.have been rising2. [2020天津] —You are a great swimmer.—Thanks. It’s because I _______________________(practise) a lot these days.have been practising3. [2019北京] A retired engineer, 76-year-old Wilson ____________________(offer) free rides to college students for the past eight years.has been offering4. [2019课标全国Ⅱ] For the past two years, Gordon’s students _____________________ (study) ways to kill bacteria in zero gravity, and they think they’re close to a solution(解决方案).have been studying5. [2019课标全国Ⅲ] “People ____________________ (sit) there and standing there and taking pictures of each other,” Ro says.have been sitting6. [2020陕西汉中期中] Ever since the Greens moved to the country a year ago, they _____________________(enjoy) better health.have been enjoying7. The dollar ____________________(climb) all week.has been climbing8. Despite the previous rounds of talks, no agreement ________________(make) so far between the two sides.has been made9. I ____________________(look) for a job for three months, and this is my first normal interview.have been looking10. It is known to us all that Shakespeare ______________________(recognize) as one of the greatest playwrights so far.has been recognizedⅡ. 完成句子1. 几周以来, 我一直在思考一个更大、更深层次的问题:我们如何让他们养成这种习惯?For weeks, I ________________________ a bigger, deeper question: How do we make it a habit for them have been thinking of2. 事实上, 传统也指那些一直在发展和仍在被创造的事物。In fact, tradition also refers to the things that _______________________and that __________________________ .have been developingare still being created3. 语言的出现和消失已经有几千年的历史了, 但在近代, 语言的出现越来越少, 消失越来越多。Languages _____________________________ for thousands of years, but in recent times there has been less coming and a lot more going.have been coming and going4. 中国修建了更多的公路, 使人们从一个地方去另一个地方旅行更加方便了。_________________________________________ , making it much easier for people to travel from one place to another.More highways have been built in China5. 他来了! 从昨天晚上开始我们就一直在焦急地等待。Here he is! We ______________________________________ since last night.have been waiting for him anxiously6. 这场森林大火到现在已经烧了几十天了。Until now, the forest fire ___________________ for dozens of days.has been burning7. 今天上午我一直给他打电话, 打了好多次, 但都没有人接。__________________________________________________ , but there’s no answer.I have been calling him many times this morning8. 自从人类开始做园艺工作以来, 我们一直在努力使我们的环境变得更美丽。Since the time humankind started gardening, we ___________________ to make our environment more beautiful.have been trying9. 整个学期, 老师一直在告诉我们要细心。The teacher ______________________ to be careful all the term.has been telling us10. 这本书我已经读了两个小时了, 但我还没读完。______________________________________________ , but I haven’t finished it.I have been reading this book for two hoursⅢ. 语法填空1. Failing SuccessfullyTwo years ago I took part in a speech competition and I got the worst. Though losing the competition, I really wanted 1. _____________ (compete) again. I realized that finding the right topic was the most important part. It needs to be motivational and inspirational to the audience. So I reworked my speech for the 2. ____________ (follow) year, picking a different topic and spending countless hours polishing (润色) the speech, word 3. ______ word.to competefollowingforThe next year I participated in 4. ______ competition again. My speech went well and I hoped to do that a bit better this year. 5. ________ (sad), my wish didn’t come true. The competition was so fierce that again I didn’t make 6. _____ .The defeat was a bitter pill to swallow. I couldn’t accept the fact 7. _______ I had failed twice in something that I had worked so hard on.SadlyitthattheHowever, one of the 8. _________ (judge) said to me that my speech was quite good, but it needed to be 9. _________ (good) if I wanted to go any further. He advised me to struggle to overcome something like some of the empty gestures. He said that I would surely succeed some day.Hearing such instructive and 10. ____________ (inspire) words, I knew I failed successfully. Losing is normal and part of life. This experience was not a fall but a slip.inspiringjudgesbetterⅠ. 单句语法填空1. Under the ___________ (guide) of modern science and rational spirit, the human society makes continuous progress.guidance2. Watching TV takes the place of similar sorts of ______________(recreational), such as listening to the radio and playing sports.recreations3. His eyes were drawn to an old picture of a young man in a ________ (橄榄球运动) uniform.rugby4. Miss Parrish recently placed an ________________ (advertise) in the local newspaper.advertisement5. __________ (rough) speaking, we receive about fifty letters a week on the subject.Roughly6. Try to make a hole in the _______ (潮湿的) area to increase the water catcher’s productivity.damp7. As the saying goes, __________ (bark) dogs don’t bite.barking8. I am planning a 25th birthday party for my _________ (侄子).nephew9. More and more _______________ (corporate) are taking an interest in social responsibility.corporations10. He became a ____________ (navigate) during the war.navigator11. She has always remained ________ (忠诚的) to her political principles.loyal12. After countless interviews and presentations, I managed to stand out among the _____________ (candidate) and survived the test alone.candidates13. It has a built-in electric ________ (马达) which can open or close the umbrella on demand.motor14. Listening is thus an active, not a passive behavior _____________ (consist) of hearing, understanding and remembering.consisting15. Salisbury sent him on a diplomatic __________ (使命) to North America.mission16. She gets very _______________ (易怒的) when she’s very tired.bad-tempered17. You can be paid in cash weekly or by cheque monthly: those are the two _______________ (alternative).alternatives18. Would now be a ___________ (suit) moment to discuss my report suitableⅡ. 句型转换1. No matter what the cost may be, we shall defend our country. (疑问词+-ever)___________________________ , we shall defend our country.Whatever the cost may be2. If it had not been your support and encouragement, I would not have succeeded. (含蓄虚拟语气)_________________________________________ , I would not have succeeded.Without your support and encouragement3. The problem has been solved. The problem is whether we should continue to do the experiment. (同位语从句)The problem __________________________________________________ has been solved.whether we should continue to do the experiment4. The man jumped down from the horse. (完全倒装结构)______________________ from the horse.Down jumped the man5. His elder sister happens to be a good friend of mine. (it happens that)__________________his elder sister is a good friend of mine.It happens that6. He will never change his mind. (There is a chance that…)__________________________ he will change his mind.There is no chance that7. Our monitor is so nice a man that we all believe him. (部分倒装结构)_______________________________ that we all believe him.So nice a man is our monitor8. I sat at a table, explaining every step of the process, while I was making tea. (状语从句的省略)I sat at a table, explaining every step of the process, ___________________ .while making teaⅢ. 完成句子1. 在化学老师的指导下, 试验进行得很顺利。(under the guidance of…)______________________________________________ , the experiment went smoothly.Under the guidance of the chemistry teacher2. 发生了什么事?这只狗不停地叫了一个小时。(bark; 现在完成进行时)What’s wrong The dog ___________________ non-stop for an hour.has been barking3. 他们下定决心要减掉圣诞节期间增加的全部体重。(make a resolution)They ___________________________________________ gained during the Christmas holidays.made a resolution to lose all the weight4. 吉姆说只要我们保持房子干净整洁, 我们可以住在他的房子里。(as long as)Jim says we can stay in his house ________________________________________ .as long as we leave it clean and tidy5. 我们一定是走错路了, 因为道路变窄了。(must have done)____________________________________, because the road becomes narrow.We must have taken the wrong roadⅠ. 阅读理解A new collection of photos brings an unsuccessful Antarctic voyage back to life.Frank Hurley’s pictures would be outstanding-undoubtedly first-rate photojournalism-if they had been made last week. In fact, they were shot from 1914 through 1916, most of them taken after a disastrous shipwreck(失事的船), by a cameraman who had no reasonable expectation of survival. Many of the images were stored in an ice chest, under freezing water, in the damaged wooden ship.The ship was the Endurance, a small, tight, Norwegian-built three-master that was intended to take Sir Ernest Shackleton and a small crew of seamen and scientists, 27 men in all, to the southernmost shore of Antarctica’s Weddell Sea. From that point Shackleton wanted to force a passage by dogsled (狗拉的雪橇) across the continent. The journey was intended to achieve more than what Captain Robert Falcon Scott had done. Captain Scott had reached the South Pole early in 1912 but died with his four companions on the march back.As writer Caroline Alexander makes clear in her forceful and well-researched story The Endurance, adventuring was even then a thoroughly commercial effort. Scott’s last journey, completed as he lay in a tent dying of cold and hunger, caught the world’s imagination, and a film made in his honour drew crowds. Shackleton, a onetime British merchant-navy officer who had got to within 100 miles of the South Pole in 1908, started a business before his 1914 voyage to make money from movie and still photography. Frank Hurley, a confident and gifted Australian photographer who knew the Antarctica, was hired to make the images, most of which have never been published before.1. What do we know about the photos taken by Hurley ( )A. They were made last week.B. They showed undersea sceneries.C. They were found by a cameraman.D. They recorded a disastrous adventure.D[解析] [语篇解读] 澳大利亚摄影师Frank Hurley于1914年前往南极并拍摄了一些出色的照片, 记录和见证了一次不成功的南极航海之行, 多年后这些冰封于失事船体中的照片被发现。【命题立意】细节理解题。【解题思路】根据第二段第二句“In fact, they were shot…reasonable expectation of survival.”可知, Hurley拍摄的照片记录了一次灾难性的冒险。故选D项。2. Who reached the South Pole first according to the text ( )A. Frank Hurley. B. Ernest Shackleton.C. Robert Falcon Scott. D. Caroline Alexander.C[解析] 【命题立意】细节理解题。【解题思路】根据第三段最后一句“Captain Scott had reached the South Pole early in 1912…”可知, Scott是1912年初到达南极的, 结合第二段及第四段的内容可知, 这四个人中最早到达南极的是Robert Falcon Scott。故选C项。3. What does Alexander think was the purpose of the 1914 voyage ( )A. Artistic creation. B. Scientific research.C. Money making. D. Treasure hunting.C[解析] 【命题立意】细节理解题。【解题思路】根据最后一段第一句“…adventuring was even then a thoroughly commercial effort.”及倒数第二句“…started a business before his 1914 voyage to make money…”可知, Alexander认为1914年的这次航行是为了挣钱。故选C项。深度解析词汇积累outstanding adj. 杰出的2. first-rate adj. 第一流的; 优等的3. forceful adj. 强有力的; 有说服力的4. commercial adj. 商业的; 贸易的难句分析原句:Frank Hurley, a confident and gifted Australian photographerwho knew the Antarctica, was hired to make the images, most of which have never been published before.Frank Hurley是一位自信、有天赋且了解南极的澳大利亚摄影师。他受雇去拍摄照片, 而此次拍摄的大部分照片以前从来没有被公开过。分析:本句为主从复合句。Frank Hurley was hired to make the images为本句的主干部分。a confident and gifted Australian photographer who knew the Antarctica为Frank Hurley的同位语, 其中who引导定语从句, 修饰先行词photographer; most of which have never been published before为“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句, 修饰先行词images。Ⅱ. 语法填空[2020河北沧州泊头一中高二月考] ADid you grow up in one culture, your parents came from another, and you are now living in a 1._______________(total) different country If so, then you are a third-culture kid.The term “third-culture kid” 2.________________(use) in the 1960s for the first time by Dr. Ruth. She first came across this phenomenon while 3.___________________(research) North American children living in India. In general, third-culture kids benefit 4.____________ their intercultural experience and they often reach excellent academic results.totallywas usedresearchingfromYet many 5.____________________(difficulty) may arise from this phenomenon. Third-culture kids may not be able to adapt 6.__________________(they) completely to their new surroundings. Also, they often find it hard 7.__________________ (develop) new friendships. Additionally, for a third-culture kid, it is often 8.______________(easy) to move to a new country than to return to his homeland. For example, after living in Australia for many years, Louise finally returned to the country 9._____________ she was born. She didn’t know anything about current TV shows 10.__________ fashion trends. And she didn’t share the same values as other teens of her age.difficultiesthemselvesto developeasierwhereor1. __________totally[解析] [语篇解读] 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要阐释了父母来自一个国家, 在另外一个国家长大, 现在又生活在另一个完全不同的国家的“第三文化”孩子所面临的优势和困境。考查副词。此处修饰形容词different, 故用副词。2. ___________was used[解析] 考查动词的时态、语态和主谓一致。该句的时间状语为in the 1960s, 需用一般过去时, term与use之间为被动关系, 需用被动语态, term为单数形式, 故填was used。3. ______________researching[解析] 考查非谓语动词。research与主语She之间为主动关系, 故填researching。4. _______from[解析] 考查介词。benefit from…从……中受益。5. _______________difficulties[解析] 考查名词复数。空前有many 修饰, 故用difficulty的复数形式。6. _____________themselves[解析] 考查反身代词。adapt oneself to使自己适应……7. _____________to develop[解析] 考查非谓语动词。该句中it 为形式宾语, 故用不定式作真正的宾语。8. _________easier[解析] 考查形容词比较级。后文有than, 故填比较级。9. ________where[解析] 考查定语从句引导词。此处指她又回到了她出生的国家, 从句缺少状语, 先行词为country, 故填where。10. _____or[解析] 考查连词。由句意可知, 她对于现在的电视节目或潮流趋势都不太了解。故填or。[2021江西鹰潭高二上学期期末质量检测] BDo you feel a little weak today If so, put on your game face. Game face is a look of great determination on the face of a game player.Game face is a kind of 1.______________(face) expression, which can positively influence personal determination in overcoming challenges. But there was little scientific evidence 2._______________(prove) game face really helped people handle physical or mental challenges.facialprovingSo expert Richesin and several 3.__________________(colleague) did some research. They designed two tests, both of 4._____________were simple to carry out. For the first time, they asked 62 people to put hands in ice-cold water for a few minutes. The second experiment required participants to figure out 5._________ puzzle.For each experiment, the participants 6.____________________(divide) in half. One group was told to keep their expressions serious and determined.colleagueswhichawere dividedThe other group was permitted 7.______________(let) their faces do whatever their faces felt like doing in the moment.What was the result The crowd 8.____________ serious and determined expressions, not only performed, on average, about 20% 9.______________(well), but also recovered from stress more effectively.“Our study shows making your game face indeed has the potential for improving performance. So go ahead and try one on,” Richesin said in a 1.0__________________ (conclude).withbetterconclusionto let1. _________facial[解析] [语篇解读] 本文是一篇说明文。研究发现像运动员那样表现出坚定的表情能够表现得更好, 而且能更有效地从压力中恢复。考查形容词。根据空后名词expression(表情)可知此处应填入形容词作定语, 修饰expression。故填facial。2. __________proving[解析] 考查非谓语动词。分析句子可知was为句子的谓语, prove应用作非谓语动词, evidence与prove 之间是主动关系, 所以应填入现在分词形式作evidence的后置定语, 故填proving。3. _____________colleagues[解析] 考查名词的数。colleague是可数名词, 根据前面的several可知填colleagues。4. ________which[解析] 考查定语从句。分析句子可知, 设空处引导非限制性定语从句, 先行词是tests, 指物, 在“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句中, 所修饰的先行词指物, 只能用which。故填which。5. ____a[解析] 考查冠词。puzzle是可数名词, 在此处表示泛指, 且puzzle发音以辅音音素开头, 应使用不定冠词a修饰。6. _______________were divided[解析] 考查时态和语态。由语境可知此处描述的是过去的实验, 故用一般过去时; participants与divide之间是被动关系, 故应用被动语态。主语the participants 为复数, 故填were divided。7. _________to let[解析] 考查非谓语动词。be permitted to do被允许做某事。故填to let。8. _______with[解析] 考查介词。表示“具有”某种表情, 应用介词with。9. _________better[解析] 考查副词比较级。此处是实验结果对比, 具有坚定面部表情的参加者表现得要好点, 用比较级, 故填better。10. _____________conclusion[解析] 考查名词。根据前面的冠词a可知, 需填conclude的名词形式。 故填conclusion。(共94张PPT)UNIT 4 ADVERSITY AND COURAGESection Ⅲ Using LanguageⅠ. 词汇拓展1. ________ /r f/adj. 汹涌的;粗糙的;粗略的→ __________ /'r fli/adv. 大约;粗糙地;粗暴地roughroughly2. ________ /'l l/adj. 忠诚的;忠实的→ __________ /'l r lti/n. 忠诚;忠实;忠心耿耿loyalloyalty3. ____________ /'n v ge t /n. 领航员;(飞机、船舶等上的)航行者→ ___________ /'n v ge t/v. 导航navigatornavigate4. _____________ /k 'm tm nt/n. 承诺;保证;奉献→ _________ /k 'm t/vt. 承诺;保证 vi. 忠于;全心全意投入→ ____________ /k 'm t d/adj. 尽心尽力的;坚定的;坚信的commitmentcommitcommitted5. _________ /'m t v/n. 动机;原因;目的→ ___________ /'m t ve t/v. 激发;成为……的动机→ _____________/ m t ve n/n. 动机;原因motivemotivatemotivationⅡ. 情境词块1. at times _______有时2. ahead of _____________在……之前3. cheer up ___________________________(使)变得高兴, 振奋起来4. pretty well _______________________相当好;几乎;差不多5. 由……组成 _____________consist of6. 生火 ____________make fire7. 放出(热、光、气味或气体) ___________give offⅢ. 情境佳句1.句型公式 What if…如果……将会怎样?教材原句 What if they were delayed 如果他们被耽搁了怎么办?中文例句 假如没有人去过那里的话会怎么样?句式仿写 ___________________________________What if no one had been there 2.句型公式 way后接定语从句教材原句 As a chef, it was my duty to cook, so I tried to vary the meals in whatever way I could. 作为厨师, 我的职责就是做饭,所以我得竭尽所能改变花样。中文例句 他解释那个问题的方法很简单。句式仿写 The way _____________________________________________ was quite simple.that/in which he explained the question背景导学本栏目的活动主题是写一篇关于人物的文章,是依据 “Listening and Speaking”的交际功能,使语言的“听、说、读、写”能力进一步得到落实。通过人物简介及经历,学习他们在面对困境时所表现出来的坚忍不拔的毅力和永不言败的精神。文本改写教材原文 THE REWARD FOR PERSEVERANCE We watched as Shackleton and the boat sailed away from Elephant Island. It was easy to imagine the danger ahead of them. Would they ever return to find us What might happen to them What if they were delayed We felt so alone and desperate. But it was not for long. There was nothing like a good dinner and some music to cheer us up. 教材译文毅力的奖赏我们看着沙克尔顿驾船驶离象岛,不难想象他们将要面临的危险境地。他们还会回来找我们吗?他们会遇到什么?如果他们被耽搁了怎么办?我们感到非常孤独和绝望,但这种情绪并没持续多久,没有什么比一顿好饭和一些音乐更能让我们振作起来了。教材原文 Life fell into a regular pattern. Staying alive took all our time and energy. For example, we needed water, and Elephant Island had none. We found that we could melt ice from the ocean and drink the water from it. But how could we make fire There were no trees growing on Antarctica and no oil, so the only fuel we could use was animal fat. This gave off oily, black smoke, but it stayed burning even in strong winds. 教材译文生活陷入常规的循环往复,光是活下去就耗费了我们所有的时间和精力。比如,我们需要水, 可是象岛上没有。我们发现我们可以融化海洋中的冰来获得饮用水。可是我们怎么生火呢?南极洲没有树木生长,也没有石油,因此我们唯一可用的燃料是动物脂肪。它燃烧时会散发出油腻的黑烟,但任是强风也无法将其吹灭。续表教材原文 Food was also a problem, as we did not find any vegetables or fruit on the island. One of our group members, Lionel Greenstreet, noted in his diary about how bored he was with the meals: “The food now is pretty well all meat of sea creatures.” If it weren’t for sea animals, we would all starve. As a chef, it was my duty to cook, so I tried to vary the meals in whatever way I could. But it was difficult. 教材译文食物也是个问题,因为我们在岛上找不到任何蔬菜或水果。团队中的一名成员莱昂内尔·格林斯特里特在日记里记录了他对这些食物的厌倦:“现在的食物基本都是海洋动物的肉。”要不是这些海洋动物,我们都得挨饿。作为厨师,我的职责就是做饭,所以我得竭尽所能改变花样,可是真的很难。续表教材原文 We had to be careful not to go outside too often, as the changing temperatures could make us ill. It was almost as dangerous to become too hot from wearing too many clothes as to become too cold from wearing too few. The sweat could freeze very quickly. Many of us also became ill from the black smoke of the animal fat we burnt for our fires. It damaged our eyes and burnt our lungs. 教材译文我们必须小心些,不要经常外出,因为变化的温度会让我们生病。因为穿太多衣服而变得太热和因为穿得太少而变得太冷几乎是同样危险的。汗水很快就会结冰。我们中的许多人也因为燃烧动物脂肪产生的黑烟而生病。它损伤了我们的眼睛,灼伤了我们的肺。续表教材原文 The twenty-two of us lived like this in the cold for four months. Our discipline and team spirit kept us optimistic and helped us deal with our fears in a positive and successful way. We also celebrated our birthdays, festivals, and even the times when we caught a sea animal. This was an episode in my life that I would never forget. 教材译文我们22个人就这样在寒冷中生活了4个月。我们的纪律和团队精神使我们保持乐观,帮助我们用积极和成功的方式应对恐惧。我们也会庆祝我们的生日和节日,甚至庆祝抓获海洋动物的时刻。这是我人生中一段永生难忘的经历。续表教材原文 When we were finally rescued, we felt such relief and joy that many of us could not hide our tears. We were at last free to go home to warm beds, good food, and the care of our family and friends. Our optimism and faith in Shackleton had helped us persevere in staying alive. And he paid us back by his commitment to save us from a slow but painful death. 教材译文当我们最终获救时,我们如释重负,喜极而泣。我们终于可以回家了,回归温暖的床(享受)美味的食物,以及家人和朋友的关心。我们的乐观和对沙克尔顿的信任帮我们坚持活了下来。他也兑现了他的承诺,将我们从缓慢而痛苦的死亡中拯救了出来。续表将本文与课文(P38)结合起来,讲述沙克尔顿和他的船员们在“坚忍”号上发生的故事。【审题谋篇】【词汇储备】1. 顺利的;平稳的 _________smooth2. 被压碎 ______________get crushed3. 弃船 ___________________abandon the ship4. 挣扎求生 ______________________struggle to survive5. 寻求帮助 ____________seek help6. 纪律 _____________discipline7. 团队精神______________team spirit8. 设法做成某事 _______________manage to do9. 渡过难关 _______________pull through【句型运用】1. 沙克尔顿和他的伙伴们决定乘坐“坚忍”号去南极探险。________________________________________________________________________________________________.Shackleton and his men decided to go on an expedition to the Antarctica on the ship Endurance2. 然而,他们的旅程并不顺利。当他们接近南极时,“坚忍”号被冰压碎了。_________________________________________________________________________________________________________However, the journey was not smooth and the ship got crushed by the ice as they approached Antarctica.3. 因此,沙克尔顿不得不作出弃船的决定。____________________________________________________________________________________Therefore, Shackleton had no choice but to make the decision to abandon the ship.4. 船员们艰难求生,但象岛的条件却每况愈下。因此,沙克尔顿离开去寻求帮助。_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The crew struggled to survive but things on Elephant Island were going from bad to worse, so Shackleton left to seek help.5. 为了生存,他们融化冰来获得饮用水,用动物脂肪来生火。_______________________________________________________________________________To stay alive, they melted ice to drink and made fire by burning animal fat.6. 燃烧动物脂肪产生的烟雾损害了他们的身体健康。______________________________________________________________The smoke from burning the animal fat damaged their health.7. 尽管生活很艰难,船员们还是凭借纪律和团队精神渡过了难关。_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Though life was extremely hard, the crew managed to pull through the tough conditions with their discipline and team spirit.【句式升级】1. 用with 的复合结构升级第4句。__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The crew struggled to survive but with things on Elephant Island going from bad to worse, Shackleton left to seek help.2. 用定语从句合并第5、6句。__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________To stay alive, they melted ice to drink and made fire by burning animal fat, the smoke from which damaged their health.【串句成文】1. 将以上句子连成一篇语言流畅、用词准确、逻辑严密的短文。__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Shackleton and his men decided to go on an expedition to the Antarctica on the ship Endurance. However, the journey was notsmooth and the ship got crushed by the ice as they approached Antarctica. Therefore, Shackleton had no choice but to make the decision to abandon the ship. The crew struggled to survive but with things on Elephant Island going from bad to worse, Shackleton left to seek help._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________To stay alive, they melted ice to drink and made fire by burning animal fat, the smoke from which damaged their health. Though life was extremely hard, the crew managed to pull through the tough conditions with their discipline and team spirit.实战演练根据以下提示写一篇关于居里夫人的短文:1. 居里夫人(Madame Curie)于1867年11月7日出生在波兰一个教师家庭,她是世界上最伟大的物理学家之一;2. 她从小就对物理非常感兴趣,但因当时在波兰,妇女不能上大学,她决定去巴黎上大学。在这期间,她生活很苦,但学习非常努力,顺利获得物理学学位;3. 她是镭研究所 (the Radium Institute) 的创始人, 放射性元素钋(Po)、镭(Ra)的发现者,被称为“镭的母亲”;4.1903年和丈夫共同获得诺贝尔物理学奖,1911年获得诺贝尔化学奖。注意:1. 词数80左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________高分范文 Born into a teacher’s family on November 7, 1867, in Poland, Madame Curie is one of the greatest physicists.When she was young, she became interested in physics. At that time women were not admitted into universities in Poland, so she was determined to go to university in Paris, during which time she led a very poor life. However, she worked very hard and succeeded in getting a degree in physics.Madame Curie devoted all her life to her research._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________She was not only the founder of the Radium Institute, but also the discoverer of two kinds of radioactive elements-polonium and radium. She was regarded as the mother of Ra. In 1903, she and her husband were given the Nobel Prize in Physics. She received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1911. So she became the first scientist in the world to win two Nobel Prizes.Madame Curie sets a good example for us, so all the people show great respect for her.[解析] 写作指导体裁 记叙文——描写居里夫人时态 一般过去时;一般现在时人称 第三人称要点 1. 居里夫人的基本情况介绍(出生日期、小时候的经历);2. 居里夫人所从事的研究;3. 居里夫人所取得的成就。核心词汇1. give off 放出(热、光、气味或气体)This gave off oily, black smoke, but it stayed burning even in strong winds. 它燃烧时会散发出油腻的黑烟, 但任是强风也无法将其吹灭。(教材P44)典例翻译① The video of Chinese students giving away face masks in Tokyo in order to protect people from COVID-19 touched the hearts of billions of people._______________________________________________________________________________中国学生在东京发放口罩以保护人们免受新型冠状病毒肺炎的视频触动了亿万人的心。② My money was beginning to give out and there were no jobs to be found._________________________________我的钱快用光了, 工作也没找到。③ The Coast Guard had given up all hope of finding the two divers alive._________________________________________________海岸警卫队已经放弃了两名潜水员生还的全部希望。④ With the development of science and technology, old equipment has to give way to new inventions.___________________________________________________随着科学技术的发展, 旧设备不得不让位于新的发明。⑤ The police have shown no signs of giving in to the kidnappers’ demands._________________________________________警察对绑架者的要求没有丝毫让步的迹象。归纳拓展(1) 放弃 __________give up(2) 赠送; 分发; 泄露 ____________give away(3) 用完; 用尽; 分发 ___________give out(4) 给……让路; 向……让步 ______________give way to(5) 屈服; 让步; 投降 _________________give in (to)学以致用(1) 单句填空① At first Robert wouldn’t let his daughter go diving, but eventually he gave _____ as she was so confident about her skills.in② Body language can give _______ a lot about your mood, so standing with your arms folded can send out a signal that you are being defensive.away(2) 完成句子③他们站在那里, 向路人分发传单。They stood there, _____________ leaflets to passers-by.giving out2. commitment n. 承诺; 保证; 奉献And he paid us back by his commitment to save us from a slow but painful death. 他也兑现了他的承诺, 将我们从缓慢而痛苦的死亡中拯救了出来。(教材P45)典例翻译① Once you make a commitment, you will have to keep your promise.___________________________________你一旦作出承诺, 就必须信守诺言。② Generally speaking, women commit fewer crimes than men._______________________________一般来说, 女性犯罪比男性少。③ He was committed to continuing down the path of economic reform._________________________________________他承诺会继续在经济改革的道路上走下去。④ A lot of money has been committed to this project._____________________________这个项目已经投入了很多钱。⑤ The group of people are committed socialists._____________________________这群人是坚定的社会主义者。归纳拓展(1) 作出承诺 ____________________make a commitment(2) v.犯(罪行或错误); 承诺; 作出决定; 全心全意投入 _________承诺/保证(做)某事 _______________________________________对……投入…… _______________commitcommit sb./oneself to (doing) sth.commit…to…(3) adj. 坚定的; 尽心尽力的 ____________committed学以致用(1) 单句填空① Since last year, he has committed himself to __________(raise) money for people with disabilities.raising② China remains firm in its _____________ (commit) to strengthening friendship and cooperation with other countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence.commitment(2) 完成句子③他承诺会按时交房租。He ____________________ to pay the rent on time.made a commitment重点句型1. There is/was nothing like... 没有什么比……更……There was nothing like a good dinner and some music to cheer us up. 没有什么比一顿好饭和一些音乐更能让我们振作起来了。(教材P44)典例翻译① There is nothing better than the smiling face of you._______________________________没有什么比你的笑脸更好的了。② He said that he had nothing to do with the decision._____________________________他说他和那个决定毫不相干。③ Two entirely separate islands or worlds might have different languages, and most likely havenothing in common.___________________________________________________________________________两个完全独立的岛屿或世界, 可能有不同的语言, 而且很可能没有什么共同之处。④ She has had nothing but bad luck._______________她净倒霉了。归纳拓展(1)There is/was nothing+比较级+than…没有什么比……更……(2) 和……没有关系 __________________________没有什么共同之处_________________________have nothing to do withhave nothing in common(3) 只有; 只是 ______________nothing but学以致用(1) 单句填空① Perhaps nobody thinks personality has nothing to do _______ one’s career.with② My colour television set has given me nothing ______ a headache.but(2) 单句写作③爬了一天山以后, 没什么比得上好好泡个热水澡了。__________________________________________________________________________________There is nothing better than a long soak in a hot bath after a day’s climbing.2. such…that…如此……以至于……When we were finally rescued, we felt such relief and joy that many of us could not hide our tears. 当我们最终获救时, 我们如释重负, 喜极而泣。(教材P45)典例翻译① It was such a popular book that nearly everybody had one. = It was so popular a book that nearly everybody had one._____________________________________________这本书如此受欢迎以至于几乎每个人都有一本。② They are such fine teachers that we all have great respect for them._____________________________________________他们是非常好的老师, 我们都对他们非常尊敬。③ Susan made such rapid progress that before long she began to write articles in Chinese for a newspaper._________________________________________________________________苏珊进步如此迅速, 以至于她很快就开始用汉语为一家报社写文章了。④ Everything happened so quickly that I didn’t have time to think.___________________________________________一切发生得如此之快以至于我来不及去思考。⑤ He has so many books that I can’t count them._____________________________他有很多书, 我数也数不清。⑥ Such a difficult problem is it that I can’t solve it._______________________________________这个问题是如此之难以至于我解决不了。归纳拓展(1) such…that…常用于以下三个结构:such+a(n)+adj.+ _______________ +that…such+adj.+可数名词复数+that…such+adj.+ _____________+that…可数名词单数不可数名词(2) so…that…常用于以下四个结构: so+adj./adv.+that…so+adj.+a(n)+可数名词单数+that…so+many/few+ _______________ +that…so+ ______________+不可数名词+that…可数名词复数much/little(3) 在so/such…that…结构中, 当so/such…置于句首时, 主句要用___________ 结构。部分倒装学以致用(1) 单句填空① [2019课标全国Ⅲ] On our way to the house, it was raining _____ hard that we couldn’t help wondering how long it would take to get there.so② It was _______a serious accident that he was kept in hospital for a month.such(2) 句型转换③The kids have done so well that they deserve our praise and thanks. (倒装句)→ ______________________________________________________________________So well have the kids done that they deserve our praise and thanks.Ⅰ. 语境填词根据语境和汉语提示写出单词的正确形式。1. One of the funniest ___________ (片段) in the book occurs in Chapter 6.episodes2. There seemed to be no _________(动机) for the murder.motive3. He had studied new modern_______________(儒家学说) all through his life and made great contributions to its development.Confucianism4. A career as an actor requires one hundred per cent _____________ (投入).commitment5. Somewhere out there was a ____________(绝望的) man, cold, hungry, hunted(惊恐万分的).desperate6. The school has a reputation for high standards of _____________(纪律).discipline7. We were struggling to get better ________(工资).wages8. We may now look forward with ___________(乐观).optimismⅡ. 语境选词根据语境用方框内短语的正确形式填空。ahead of; cheer…up; make fire; give off; consist of; pretty well; pay back; save…from; at times; sign up for1. The boy tried to ________ his friend _____ with funny stories.cheerup2. When I was young, I saw people use branches to ____________ .make fire3. It is the custom for guests to come ___________time instead of on time in some countries.ahead of4. He burst into tears, begging her to forgive him and swearing to ___________ everything that he had stolen.pay back5. After working day and night for weeks, the work is ______________ finished.pretty well6. Finn and his friend Tom Sawyer made a plan to _______ Jim _______ the farm.savefrom7. This bottle of milk must be bad, for it is _____________ a bad smell.giving off8. Please complete the form below _________________ the two-week summer camp.to sign up for9. Their diet ___________ largely _____vegetables.consistsof10. Life is hard ___________ .at timesⅢ. 课文语法填空1. Shackleton’s departure to find help let the crew feel down and even a little desperate, but soon 1. ______ banjo worked to cheer them up. They took advantage of 2. ________________ they could find in order to stay alive. There 3. ________ (be) no water in the 4. ____________ (extreme) cold weather, the crew melted ice from the ocean for daily use. Without any fuel, they burned animal fat to make fire though the oily,thewhatever/whatbeingextremelyblack smoke caused damage to their eyes and burned their 5. ________ (lung). No vegetables or fruit could be found on the island, and they managed to feed 6. _____ sea animals. Young Perce, now a competent chef and teammate, 7. ________ (try) his best to vary the meals in whatever way he could.Another challenge lying ahead of them is to stay 8. __________ (health), because a slight cold or fever might become a disaster on Antarctica. Because of the changing temperatures,healthylungsontriedthey took care of themselves neither 9. ____________ (become) too hot from wearing too many clothes nor to become too cold from wearing too few.Their discipline, perseverance and team spirit carried them through. It was four months 10. _________ they were finally rescued.to becomebeforeⅠ. 单句语法填空1. They are looking for someone with a real sense of _____________ (commit) to the job.commitment2. Innovation is the_____________(motive) of social development.motivation3. Think carefully before you answer questions online, or you may give_______very important personal information.away4. His __________ (loyal) to his friends was never in doubt.loyalty5. So scientists are trying their best to save the species _______ going out of existence.fromⅡ. 同义替换desperate; at times; odd; consist of; commitment; vary; celebrate; struggle1. It is strange that parents and children who spend a lot of time together still don’t know how to communicate with each other. ______odd2. He was longing for a chance to prove himself. ____________desperate3. Prices change according to the type of the room you require. _______vary4. I was impressed by the energy and devotion shown by the players. _____________commitment5. How do people observe the New Year in your country ____________celebrate6. She has to work at weekends from time to time. ___________at times7. James was hit in the mouth as he fought with the burglars. ____________struggled8. The buffet is made up of several different Indian dishes. ______________consists ofⅢ. 完成句子1. 要不是医生的照顾, 我不会痊愈得这么快。(含蓄虚拟语气)If it hadn’t been for the doctor’s care, _____________________________________ .I wouldn’t have recovered so soon2. 春节期间和家人待在家里是再好不过的事了。(There is nothing like...)________________________________________ with family members during the Spring Festival.There is nothing like staying at home3. 假若下起雨来, 我们没法按时到校怎么办? (What if...?)___________________ when we can’t get to school on time What if it rains4. 他介绍这次展览会的方式很吸引人。(定语从句)The way _________________________________________________ was attractive.(that/in which) he introduced the exhibition5. 在海滩上玩耍是如此有趣以至于孩子们都不愿回家。(such…that…)_______________________________________________ the kids didn’t want to go back home.It was so much fun to play on the beach thatⅠ. 阅读理解[2020广东揭阳高三二模] I once complained to my friend Mike, “I often cycle two miles from my house to the town center but unfortunately there is a big hill on the route.” He replied, “Actually, you are fortunate.” He explained that I should be glad of the extra exercise that the hill provided.My attitude to the hill has now changed. I used to complain as I approached it but now I tell my-self the following. This hill will exercise my heart and lungs.It will help me to lose weight and get fit. It means that I will live longer. This hill is my friend. Finally I comfort myself with the thought that some people pay money to go to a gym and sit on stationary exercise bicycles while I can get the same value for free. I have a smile of satisfaction as I reach the top of the hill.Problems are there to be faced and overcome. We cannot achieve anything with an easy life. Hel-en Keller was the first deaf and blind person to gain a university degree. Her activism and writing proved inspirational.She wrote, “The character cannot be developed with ease. Only through ex-periences of suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired and success achieved.”One of the main determinants (决定因素) of success in life is our attitude towards adversity. From time to time we all face hardships, problems, accidents and difficulties. Some are of our making but many are no fault of our own. While we cannot choose adversity, we can choose our attitude towards it.Douglas Bader was 21 when he had both legs cut off following a flying accident in 1931. He was determined to fly again and went on to become one of the leading aviators(飞行员) in the Battle of Britain. He was an inspiration to others during the war. He said, “Don’t listen to anyone who tells you that you can’t do this or that. That’s nonsense. Make up your mind, and you’ll never use crutches or a stick, and then have a go at everything. Go to school, and join in all the games you can. Go anywhere you want to. But never, never let them persuade you that things are too difficult or impossible.”The biographies of great people are full of examples of how they took steps to overcome the diffi- culties they faced. The common thread is that they did not become depressed. They chose their attitude. They chose to be positive. They took on the challenge. They won. Nevertheless, there is still the problem of how you change your attitude towards adversity.1. Which of the following is TRUE according to the author of the passage ( )A. One who wants to achieve success can’t expect to live an easy life.B. Climbing hills on bicycles is the best way to take exercise.C. Going to a gym is greatly beneficial to people’s health.D. People’s attitude to hardships is the only factor of their success.A[解析] [语篇解读] 本文是一篇议论文。在生活中, 决定成败的因素之一是我们对待逆境的态度。虽然我们不能避免逆境, 但是我们能选择面对它的态度。【命题立意】细节理解题。【解题思路】根据第三段第二句 “We cannot achieve anything with an easy life.”可知, 一个人要想成功就不能期望过轻松的生活。故选A。2. What does the author intend to tell us by quoting what Douglas Bader said ( )A. Failure is the mother of success.B. A bad workman quarrels with his tools.C. If you risk nothing, you will have nothing.D. Nothing is difficult to the man who will try.D[解析] 【命题立意】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据第五段所引用的话 “Don’t listen to anyone…are too difficult or impossible.”可知, Douglas Bader认为面对困难应当勇敢尝试, 不要听信别人所言的太困难或不可能, 没有什么是克服不了的。据此可以推断, 作者引用Douglas Bader的话旨在说明, 对于勇敢尝试的人来说, 没有什么是困难的。故选D。3. What will the author further talk about in the following paragraph ( )A. How his friend helped him to change his attitude towards the challenge he faced.B. Why it is important to keep optimistic in the face of trouble.C. What steps to take to change your attitude towards the difficulties you face.D. What great people have in common.C[解析] 【命题立意】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据文章最后一句“Nevertheless, there is still the problem of how you change your attitude towards adversity.”可知, 如何改变面对困难的态度仍然是一个问题, 据此可以推断, 下文将就此问题作进一步阐述。故选C。4. Which of the following might be the best title for the passage ( )A. Different attitudes towards misfortuneB. Face difficulties with a smileC. Nothing is impossibleD. Life is full of adversityB[解析] 【命题立意】主旨大意题。【解题思路】通读全文可知, 本文作者通过叙述将骑自行车经过的山地视为锻炼的机会及Helen Keller 和Douglas Bader的故事, 说明成功的关键是面对困难时的积极态度。故选B。深度解析词汇积累approach v. 靠近; 接近2. inspirational adj. 启发灵感的; 鼓舞人心的3. from time to time 有时; 不时4. nevertheless adv. 尽管如此; 不过; 然而Ⅱ. 七选五[2020山东师范大学附属中学高二上期中考试] Hope is the most powerful motivating force that helps people to overcome adversity. 1._________, you need a guiding force to keep you moving toward your goals. Hope keeps you on your feet and makes you much stronger.Hope is your strength and inner faith in the battle of your life. 2._________ , you lose everything. You do hard work and make a great effort to succeed in life but fail.EGThat makes you upset and de-pressed. You do not know what to do. At that time hope comes to your rescue and gives you en-couragement. 3._________ . Hope increases the productivity, efficiency and creativity in people. A hopeful person who stays positive and enthusiastic can succeed in any field of his choice. 4._________ . The best service we can do to the mankind is giving hope to the hopeless.5._________ Yes, hope gives meaning to life as without hope there is no reason to live.DAFGive hope to people and they will become more creative and more productive. Hope is vital to the life of every person. Besides, hope is necessary not only for life but also for living a healthy life. Hope is the best medicine that keeps away tension, depression, high blood pressure and other health pro-blems. I had two big heart attacks and while at the edge of death, I had hope that I would survive. And the hope of getting well kept me alive.A.A hopeless person is a failed person who can never succeed in lifeB.Have you ever lost hope and felt sorry for yourselfC.Since you’re full of hope for the futureD.You try one more time and succeedE.In the ups and downs of lifeF.Is hope necessary for lifeG.If you lose hope1. ____E[解析] [语篇解读] 本文是一篇议论文, 主要阐述了希望对于人生的重要性, 希望是使人在逆境中向着目标前进的动力。根据空后句在困难的情况下需要引导力量帮助前行可知, E项“在生活中的起起落落”符合语境。2. ____G[解析] 本空后面是逗号, 应该选择非完整句选项。G项If you lose hope (如果你失去希望), 与空后的 you lose everything 逻辑关系匹配, 故G项正确。3. ____D[解析] 空前句 At that time hope comes to your rescue and gives you encouragement. 意为“在那时希望会向你伸出援手, 给你鼓励。”与D项 You try one more time and succeed衔接合理, 故D项正确。4. ____A[解析] 由空后一句The best service we can do to the mankind is giving hope to the hopeless. 可知, 设空处应提及绝望的人为什么需要被给予希望, A项符合语境。5. ____F[解析] 本空后是问号, 所以应该选择疑问句选项, F项 Is hope necessary for life 与空后句 Yes, hope gives meaning to life as without hope there is no reason to live. 逻辑吻合, 故F项正确。Ⅲ. 应用文写作假定你是李华, 你的美国朋友Frank给你发邮件表示他很钦佩中国的诺贝尔奖获得者屠呦呦, 想更多地了解她的生平事迹, 请你根据以下内容给他回一封电子邮件。主要内容:1. 出生时间和出生地(1930年, 浙江省宁波市);2. 学业(1951年进入北京大学);3. 主要事迹和贡献。注意:1. 词数80左右;2. 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;3. 开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数。参考词汇:青蒿素artemisinin; 疟疾malariaDear Frank,______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I’m glad to know that you are keen to know more about Chinese scientist Tu Youyou. I’d like to share what I know about her.Tu Youyou was born in 1930 in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Yours,Li HuaShe was admitted to Beijing Univer-sity in 1951. In 2015 Tu Youyou became a Nobel Prize winner at the age of 85 for her discovery of artemisinin. It is such a crucial new medicine for malaria that without it, 100,000 Africans would die of malaria a year.Tu Youyou has been and still is distinguished for her tremendous vigour and outstanding endur-ance. She has been persevering in medical research with one hundred percent commitment for more than half a century and has become the idol of us Chinese students.高级短语及句式be keen to do sth. 渴望做某事; 热衷于做某事2. crucial adj. 至关重要的; 关键性的3. dis-tinguished adj. 卓越的; 杰出的4. tremendous adj. 巨大的; 极大的5. commitment n. 投入; 奉献6. It is such a crucial new medicine for malaria that without it, 100,000 Africans would die of malaria a year. 这是一种非常重要的治疗疟疾的新药, 没有它, 每年将有10万非洲人死于疟疾。(共55张PPT)UNIT 4 ADVERSITY AND COURAGESection Ⅳ Expanding Your WorldⅠ. 单词分层默写1. 单词拼写① ____________ n.困境; 逆境adversity② _______ n.工资wage③ _________ adj.严寒的; 激烈而不愉快的; 味苦的bitter④ _____________ n.探险; 远征; 探险队expedition⑤ ____________ n.忍耐力; 耐久力endurance⑥ _________ n.精力; 力量; 活力vigour⑦ _______ vi.沉没; 下沉; 下降 vt.使下沉; 使沉没sink⑧ ________ vt.毁坏; 压坏; 压碎 n.拥挤的人群crush⑨ ____________ adj.痛苦的; 令人难受的miserable⑩ _________ n. & vi. 航海; 航行voyage . _______ n.海军; 海军部队navy . _________ adj.相当不错的; 正派的; 得体的decent . _______ adj.温馨的; 舒适的cosy . ____________________adj.脾气好的/坏的good/bad-tempered . ____________ n.家具furniture . _______ adj.潮湿的; 湿气重的damp . _____________ n.娱乐; 消遣; 游戏recreation . _________ n.侄子; 外甥nephew . ____________ n.候选人; 应试者candidate . __________n.(人生的)一段经历; (小说的)片段; 插曲episode2. 拓展单词① ____________ adj.符合资格; 具备……的知识(或技能、学历等)→ __________ v.使具备资格; 使合格; 取得资格(或学历)→ ________________ n. 资格; 学历; 限制条件qualifiedqualifyqualification② _______________ adj.热情的; 热心的→ _____________ n.热情; 热衷的事物→ _____________ n.热心者; 爱好者enthusiasticenthusiasmenthusiast③ _________ vt.分派; 布置; 分配→ _____________ n.(分派的)工作; 任务assignassignment④ _______ n. & vt. 羡慕; 妒忌→ ___________ adj. 令人羡慕的; 引起忌妒的envyenviable⑤ __________ vt. 舍弃; 抛弃; 放弃→ ____________ adj.被遗弃的; 被抛弃的abandonabandoned⑥ _____________ n.[pl.]财物; 动产→ _________ v.属于belongingsbelong⑦ __________adj.自私的→ ____________ adv.自私地→ ______________ n.自私selfishselfishlyselfishness⑧ __________ adj.真正的; 真诚的; 可信赖的→ ____________ adv.真诚地; 诚实地genuinegenuinely⑨ _______________ n.毅力; 韧性; 不屈不挠的精神→ ____________vi.坚持; 孜孜以求perseverancepersevere⑩ __________ vi. & vt.决定; 决心; 解决(问题或困难)n.决心; 坚定的信念→ _____________ n.决议; 解决; 坚定resolveresolution . ___________ adj.深入的; 彻底的; 细致的→ _____________ adv.彻底; 完全thoroughthoroughly . ________ adj.残酷的; 残忍的; 冷酷的→ __________ n.残忍; 残酷; 残暴cruelcruelty . ________________ adv. 不幸地; 遗憾地→ ______________ adj.不幸的→ ____________ adj.幸运的→ ______________ adv.幸运地→ __________ n.运气; 机会; 大笔的钱unfortunatelyunfortunatefortunatefortunatelyfortune . ______________ n.申请; 请求; 应用→ ________v.申请; 涂; 敷; 应用→ ____________ n.申请人applicationapplyapplicant . ___________ n.指导; 引导; 导航→ ________ vt.指导; 影响; 给……领路guidanceguide . ______________ n.广告活动; 广告业→ ____________ vt. & vi.公布; 宣传; 做广告→ ________________ n.广告; 启事advertisingadvertiseadvertisement . ____________ adj.公司的; 法人的; 社团的→ ______________ n.公司corporatecorporation . ________ adj.汹涌的; 粗糙的; 粗略的→ __________adv.大约; 粗糙地; 粗暴地roughroughly . ________adj.忠诚的; 忠实的→ __________ n.忠诚; 忠实; 忠心耿耿loyalloyalty . _____________ n.承诺; 保证; 奉献→ _________ vt.承诺; 保证 vi.忠于; 全心全意投入→ ____________ adj.尽心尽力的; 坚定的; 坚信的commitmentcommitcommittedⅡ. 短语搭配翻译1. set off _______________________________出发; 使(炸弹等)爆炸; 激起2. well and truly _________________完全地; 彻底地3. make it _______________________________获得成功; 准时到达; 渡过难关4. hold on _____________________坚持住; 抓紧; 稍等5. cheer up ___________________________(使)变得高兴, 振奋起来6. pretty well _______________________相当好; 几乎; 差不多7. at times _______有时8. be known as _________________作为……而出名9. ahead of _____________在……之前10. 拒绝某人 ________________turn sb. down11. 对……充满热情; 热衷于 ________________________be enthusiastic about12. 每况愈下 _______________________go from bad to worse13. 令某人惊讶的是 _____________________to one’s surprise14. 由……组成 _____________consist of15. 保持情绪高昂 _________________________keep one’s spirits up16. 只要 _____________as long as17. 报名参加 ______________sign up for18. 生火 ____________make fire19. 梦想做…… _____________dream of…20. 放出(热、光、气味或气体) ___________give offⅢ. 教材原句翻译1. 是这样的, 有天早上, 我碰巧买了份报纸, 看到一则有关南极探险的广告。 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Well, it so happened that one morning I bought a newspaper and read the advertisement about the Antarctic expedition.2. 我们已经挣扎了数日, 但象岛上的情况却越发糟糕了。_______________________________________________________________________________________________We have been struggling for days, but things on Elephant Island are going from bad to worse.3. 你可不要变成另一个汤姆。__________________________________________Don’t you go turning into another Tom.4. 要不是弗兰克和欧内斯特, 我们早就死了。______________________________________________________Without Frank and Ernest, we’d all be dead by now.5. 如果他们被耽搁了怎么办?_____________________________What if they were delayed 6. 没有什么比一顿好饭和一些音乐更能让我们振作起来了。____________________________________________________________________There was nothing like a good dinner and some music to cheer us up.7. 南极洲没有树木生长, 也没有石油, 因此我们唯一可用的燃料是动物脂肪。______________________________________________________________________________________________________There were no trees growing on Antarctica and no oil, so the only fuel we could use was animal fat.8. 要不是这些海洋动物, 我们都得挨饿。_______________________________________________________If it weren’t for sea animals, we would all starve.9. 当我们最终获救时, 我们如释重负, 喜极而泣。______________________________________________________________________________________________________When we were finally rescued, we felt such relief and joy that many of us could not hide our tears.Ⅳ. 书面表达1. 结合本单元主题, 使用本单元词汇与句型写一篇语言流畅、用词准确、逻辑严密的短文。1. 我的侄子小时候和他妈妈生活过得很苦。(nephew; miserable)2. 尽管生活条件不好, 但他对生活还是充满了热情。(bitter; enthusiastic)3. 他努力学习, 大学毕业后, 申请去一家广告公司工作。(advertising)4. 幸运的是, 他的毅力、决心和对他人真诚的关心给公司的领导们留下了深刻的印象, 使他从其他申请者中脱颖而出。(perseverance; resolution; genuine)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________When my nephew was young, he led a miserable life with his mother. Though their living conditions were bitter, he was enthusiastic about life. He studied hard and applied to work in an advertising company after graduation. Fortunately, his perseverance, resolution and genuine concern for others left a deep impression on the leaders of the company and made him stand out among all the applicants.1. resolve v. 决定; 决心; 解决(问题或困难)。前缀re-意为“重新, 再”, 词根“-solv”意为“松开”, 所以resolve 字面意思为“再松开”, 引申为“解决”之意。2. 前缀re-的基本意思是“back”, 由此又引申出“again”之意, 所以其经常表示“重新; 再”, 以re-为前缀的词还有rebuild (重建), review(复习), reunion(团圆; 重聚)等。词根-solv源自拉丁语, 意为“松开”, 以-solv为词根的词还有dissolve(溶; 消散), absolve(宣告……无罪) 等。1. Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.成功就是不断失败而不失去热情。2. Through perseverance many people achieved success out of what seemed destined to be certain failure.通过坚持不懈, 许多人从似乎注定要失败的情形中取得了成功。3. Adversity shows the genius, but prosperity conceals the genius.逆境展示奇才, 顺境隐没英才。4. Difficulties contain victory, while failure breeds success.困难里包含着胜利, 失败里孕育着成功。5. If you wish to succeed, you should use persistence as your good friend, experience as your reference, prudence as your brother and hope as your sentry. 如果你希望成功, 当以恒心为良友, 以经验为参谋, 以谨慎为兄弟, 以希望为哨兵。Ⅰ. 单句语法填空1. Since I have worked as a volunteer in different activities, I believe that I am ____________ (qualify) for the position you advertised for.qualified2. She _______ (sink) back into her seat, exhausted.sank3. They showed great _______________ (persevere) in the face of difficulty.perseverance4. Both sides met in order to try to __________ (resolution) their differences.resolve5. The children had suffered __________ (cruel) and neglect.cruelty6. The invention would have a wide range of _______________ (apply) in industry.applications7. Activities all take place ________ the guidance of an experienced tutor.under8. Dirty streets and homelessness are no ________________ (advertise) for a prosperous society.advertisementⅡ. 同义替换cosy; unfortunately; be enthusiastic about; commitment; thorough; abandon; under one’s guidance; odd1. The baby had been deserted by its mother. ____________abandoned2. Martin would be a good judge, I thought. He was calm and careful. ___________thorough3. I am looking forward to working with her help. _____________________under her guidance4. He was injured in the first game and unluckily missed the final. ________________unfortunately5. The sponsor was interested in the concert venue. _________________________was enthusiastic about6. What she did was unforgivable, but the strange thing was that he didn’t seem to mind. ______odd7. On a summer evening in Beijing in 2008, all those long, hard hours of work and devotion finally bore fruit. _____________commitment8. It’s such a comfortable bed. _______cosyⅢ. 完成句子1. 虽然线上展览也很真实, 但亲自参观博物馆真的是太棒了。(there is nothing like…)While online exhibitions also look real, ____________________________________________ in person.there’s nothing like visiting the museum2. 如果那时我们被发现了, 我不知道我们会有什么后果。(含蓄虚拟语气)If we ___________________ at that point, I don’t know ____________________ to us.had been spottedwhat would happen3. 如果他们花很长时间谈论一幅你不感兴趣的画会怎么样呢? (what if…)______________________________________ about a painting you weren’t interested in What if they talked for a long timeⅠ. 阅读理解[2020黑龙江哈尔滨第六中学高二上期末] Born blind is tough in any case. But things were even harder for Srikanth Bolla who was born in a small village in India, where the common belief was that kids with disabilities were “of no use” and therefore, better off dead. Fortunately, Srikanth’s parents loved their son and refused to give him up. Instead, they encouraged the blind boy to dream big and reach for the star.Srikanth did not disappoint his parents. The now twenty-four-year-old man is the founder and CEO of Bollant Industries.Of course, getting here was not easy. Being both blind and poor meant that Srikanth had to face hard challenges. As a young boy, Srikanth attended a regular school near his home. Unfortunately, the students and teachers didn’t quite like him because of his disability. As a result, the young boy was largely ignored and often spent the entire day alone.Concerned that this would hold back Srikanth’s development, his family decided to send him to a special school in Hyderabad. Sureenough, the young boy soon rose to the top of his class, earning awards in speech and debate competitions. But Srikanth was prevented from studying sciences when he reached the 10th grade, because it was thought too “dangerous” for a blind student. Not wanting to give up, Srikanth took legal actions and became the first blind student in the country to be allowed to study sciences.Later, after graduating from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Srikanth set up Bollant Industries in 2012. For just four years, it has become a powerhouse with over 450 employees,70%of whom are physically challenged.Being disabled doesn’t mean being unable. “If the world looks at me and says, ‘Srikanth, you can do nothing,’ I will look back at the world and say I can do anything,” says the young man.1. Why was Srikanth sent to a special school ( )A. His parents became richer than before.B. He could be treated equally there.C. This school was free for disabled students.D. He was sent away by the regular school.B[解析] [语篇解读] 本文是一篇记叙文。印度的Srikanth Bolla先天性失明, 但他的父母并没有放弃他, 而是培养他立志求学, 最终他学业有成并创立了自己的公司。【命题立意】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据第三段中的 Unfortunately, the students and teachers…alone. 以及第四段第一句Concerned that this would…a special school in Hyderabad. 可知, 家人因为担心他在普通学校受到的冷落会影响他, 所以决定送他去特殊学校, 故可推测他在特殊学校可以受到平等对待, 所以B项正确。2. What can we know about Srikanth from the text ( )A. He was born in a poor village.B. He cared about disabled people.C. His parents were strict with him in his study.D. He was loved by the villagers when he was young.B[解析] 【命题立意】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据第五段中的70% of whom are physically challenged 可知 Srikanth很关心残疾人, 故选择B项。3. What words can best describe Srikanth ( )A. Intelligent and determined. B. Active and honest.C. Patient and careful. D. Kind but stubborn.A[解析] 【命题立意】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据Srikanth求学的波折经历可知他意志坚定, 根据Srikanth 在学业和商业上的成功可知他富有智慧, 所以A项正确。4. What can be the best title for the text ( )A. Chances Are EverywhereB. No Challenges, No SuccessC. A Big Dream Makes a DifferenceD. Disability Doesn’t Mean Being UnableD[解析] 【命题立意】主旨大意题。【解题思路】根据文章讲述的Srikanth的励志经历和最后一段中的总结全篇的中心句 Being disabled doesn’t mean being unable. 可知D项是最佳标题。深度解析词汇积累1. challenge n. 挑战 2. ignore vt. 忽视, 不理会3. debate n. 辩论 4. competition n. 竞赛难句分析原句:But things were even harder for Srikanth Bolla who was born in a small village in India, where the common belief was that kids with disabilities were “of no use” and therefore, better off dead. 但是对于出生在印度的一个小村庄的Srikanth Bolla来说, 情况甚至更糟糕, 那里普遍的观念是残疾孩子“没有用”, 因此, 不如死了算了。分析:本句是主从复合句。who引导定语从句, 修饰先行词Srikanth Bolla; where引导非限制性定语从句, 修饰先行词village。Ⅱ. 七选五[2020广东汕头金山中学高二期中]How you talk to yourself about events, experiences and people plays a large role in shaping how you interpret events. When you find yourself interpreting something in a negative way or only focusing on the bad aspect of the situation, look for ways to talk about the events in a more positive light. 1_________ Instead, it simply means refocusing so that you give fair and equal importance to good events.When you find yourself worrying about things, look for anFuplifting activity to pull yourself out of this negative mindset(心态)2_________ In this case, try to turn your attention elsewhere and engage in an activity that brings you joy. Listening to cheerful music, going for a walk, and reading a good book are all ways to get your mind off negative thoughts.3_________ Therefore, it is important to give extra attention to good things that happen. Negative things might be quickly transferred and stored in your long-term memory, so you need toGBmake more efforts to get the same effect from happy moments. 4_________Replay the moment several times in your memory and focusEon the wonderful feelings the memory inspires.The negative bias (偏见) can have a powerful impact on your behavior, but being aware of it means you can take steps to adopt a more positive outlook on life. One of the best ways to combat negative bias is taking a more focused approach involving being aware of your own tendency toward negativity and consciously elevating (提升) happier thoughts to the forefront of awareness. 5_________ Taking steps to avoid this bias can play a role in boosting your mental well-being.DA.It refers to seeing things in a new view.B.It takes more for positive things to be remembered.C.You probably don’t realize how often you say negative things.D.Thinking repeatedly about the negative can result in a serious loss.E.So when something great happens, take a moment to really focus on it.F.This doesn’t mean ignoring potential dangers or wearing rose-colored glasses.G.For example, you may find yourself mentally reviewing an unpleasant event or outcome.1. ____F[解析] [语篇解读] 这是一篇说明文。文章讲述了人们以不同的心态看待问题, 得到的结果是不同的。当我们意识到自己消极的一面时, 我们要用乐观的心态去面对它。由上下文可知, 此处想表达的是找更积极的方式来谈论事情并不意味着忽视潜在的危险或逃避不好的事情, 反而你能公平地、同等地重视好的事件。F选项承接上文“更加积极地来谈论事情”, 同时也引出下文。故选F项。2. ____G[解析] 由上下文可知, 本空是举例说明当你发现自己在为某事情担忧时, 可以转移注意力, 参加快乐的活动让自己从消极心态中走出来。G选项符合语境。3. ____B[解析] 由空格后一句可知, 上下两句是因果关系, 因为积极的经历需要更多的记忆, 所以要格外关注要发生的好事。B选项符合语境。4. ____E[解析] 根据本段中“Therefore, it is important to give extra attention to good things that happen.”可知, 当大事发生时, 你需要对其进行特别的关注, 也就是花时间关注它。E项与此呼应。故选E项。5. ____D[解析] 由上下文可知, 对抗消极偏见的最好方法之一是用快乐抵抗消极想法。因为一直专注于消极因素会产生不好的影响, 所以这种用快乐抵抗消极的方法有助于提高心理健康水平。D选项就是在讲反复地消极思考会造成严重的影响, 同时引出下文需要采取措施来避免这一现象。故选D项。Ⅲ. 读后续写1. [2020山东胶州实验中学高二质量检测] 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。About half a mile behind our Minnesota farm lay a pond. In summer, my brother Harry and I would run through a stand of oak trees to skip stones there. The pond wore a collar of black mud. It was not a place for swimming.In late summer, the pond would be covered by a green and bubblyscum(起泡的浮渣). Sometimes a strong, unpleasant smell rose from it. We stayed away.When winter came, the pond was once again an inviting place. One day when ice covered it, Harry said to me,“Try walking across.”The ice looked solid. No water showed through it, but I hesitated.“Go ahead,” Harry urged. “Try it. You’re lighter than I am. If the ice holds, we can run and slide carefully on it. It’ll be fun.” I wanted to please Harry, and I thought about the fun of a long slide on the ice. I began to slide across the pond.In the middle of the pond, the ice gave way with a sudden crack(裂缝)! I stretched out(伸展) my arms. The next thing I knew was that I was hanging on to the edge of a hole in the ice with arms outstretched on the ice. From my shoulders down I hung in the icy water. I thought of the bottom of the pond. I knew it would be black and awful down there, full of mud and maybe rotten creatures.I tried to climb out of the hole, but when I got a knee on theice, it broke like window glass. Again and again I tried to get out. Again and again the ice broke into pieces. The hole widened. I was wearing a coat of heavy material. As it became completely wet, it dragged me down. I was tired of the struggle and rested with my arms stretched out on the ice. I looked at Harry on the shore. He seemed rooted to the spot.“I can’t get out!” I screamed when I caught some breath.注意:续写词数应为150左右。Harry turned and ran from the pond._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________One possible version:He turned and ran from the pond. Staring at him out of sight, I wondered: “Is he running for help, or is herunning away and leaving me alone ” Frightened and scared, I was anxious to climb out by myself, but failed again and again. After what seemed to be centuries, I felt despaired. Just at that moment, Harry dashed with a large branch. Crawling on his stomach, he pushed the branch toward me. The moment the branch was within_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The moment I crashed through the kitchen door, sobbing, Mum rushed over._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Taking off my clothes, she gave me a quick bath and then wrapped a thick blanket over me; meanwhile, she gaveme a cup of milk to warm me up. Feeling comforted and relieved, we tearfully murmured an apology to Mum, but the pond was still a temptation to Harry and me, especially when winter came again.reach, I grabbed it immediately and was eventually dragged out by Harry. Trembling, we headed home, with water dripping down my clothes.[解析] 解题思路体裁:记叙文时态:一般过去时原文核心内容解读:离家不远的地方有个小池塘, 冬天结冰以后, 就是孩子们的乐园。有一天, 我和哥哥Harry去玩的时候, 经不住怂恿, 在冰面上跑来跑去, 结果冰面突然裂了缝, 我掉了进去, 我很努力地想要从洞里爬出来, 但都失败了。文章脉络When: one winter dayWhere: in the pondWho: Harry and IWhat: While I was running on the ice, it suddenly cracked. I dropped into the hole and struggled to get out, but failed.写作思路根据续写部分第一段的开头语“Harry turned and ran from the pond.”可知, Harry转头跑掉了, 因此第一段可以描写Harry跑掉后我的心理活动, 他是去叫人了还是丢下我不管了, 后来Harry拿了根树枝回来, 将我从冰洞里拖了出来。 根据续写第二段的开头语“The moment I crashed through the kitchen door, sobbing, Mum rushed over.”可知, 这一段描写的是他们回到家看到妈妈以后的场景, 妈妈帮他换了衣服, 盖上毯子, 他们也向妈妈道了歉。(共6张PPT)UNIT 4 ADVERSITY AND COURAGE背景导学Once upon a time, a daughter complained to her father that her life was unhappy and that she was tired of struggling all the time.Her father, a chef, took her to the kitchen. He filled three pots with water and placed each on a fire. Once the three pots began to boil, he placed potatoes, eggs and coffee beans in them. After 20 minutes, he took them out, putting the potatoes and eggs in a bowl and the coffee in a cup.Turning to his daughter, he said, “Look closer, and touch the potatoes.” She did and noted that they were soft. He then askedher to take an egg and break it. After stripping off the shell, she observed the hard-boiled egg. Finally, he asked her to taste the coffee. Its good smell brought a smile to her face.“Father, what does this mean ” she asked. He then explained that the potatoes, the eggs and the coffee beans were in the same adversity-the boiling water. However, each one reacted differently.The strong and hard potatoes became weak and soft in the boiling water. The eggs were fragile, with thin outer shell protecting their liquid until they were put in the boiling water. Then theinside of the eggs became hard. However, the coffee beans were unique. After they were exposed to the boiling water, they changed the water and created something new. “Which one do you want to be like ” he asked. “When adversity knocks on your door, how will you respond ”In life, challenges happen to us all, but the only thing that truly matters is what happens within us.1. Why did the girl complain to her father ( )A. Because of her hard life.B. Because of her tiring work.C. Because of her father’s busy work.D. Because of the food her father cooked.A2. What can we infer from this story ( )A. The girl liked the coffee best.B. The father was good at cooking.C. The girl didn’t like the potatoes and eggs.D. Different people have different reactions to adversity.D3. What would be the best title for the passage ( )A. Father and daughter B. Adversity and a chefC. A chef and coffee beans D. Challenges and responsesD






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